Chapter 29

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Date: 16/4/2020

AN: I apologize for the delay in the update. Well, things are beyond my control, it seems. I haven't been able to write or edit much. Neither the circumstances nor my body is cooperating wth me. But the good thing is I did manage to do a chapter so an update! Yay! Hope you enjoy.  


Following the whole nesting thing, Kongpob and Arthit talked at length regarding the furnishing of the small room. While the Alpha had accepted that the small room would indeed become the nursery for the twins, he was still going to ensure that it was the best possible room for his babies. Considering, Kongpob had moved all the boxes in the room into the small storage shelf in the kitchen. It was not very convenient so he had he also discarded several boxes and given away his old textbooks to the library nearby. Kongpob had cleaned up the room after which he had had it professionally deep-cleaned and fumigated. While all this was happening, the young man couldn't help but notice how happy his pregnant mate seemed every day. For the Alpha, it was all worth it then, right?

The couple had visited several decorators and taken suggestions from professionals. It was rather difficult to choose a color theme as they didn't know the gender of the babies. With the priority being the health of the mother and the babies, Kongpob and Arthit had not even thought about asking for the sex of the twins. They had gone through names, but it was all just passing conversations. When the Alpha gently rubbed at Arthit's stomach and talked softly to his kids, the only thought in his mind was to protect them at all costs. Kongpob's heart often overflowed with love and happiness whenever he thought about his Omega and the two little beings he was currently carrying. These three beings were his entire world, after all.

Now lounging on the sofa, the couple was browsing through one of the brochures that showed several options that would appeal to twin babies. Wayo was in the kitchen, supposedly preparing afternoon tea and snacks, but as the couple had realized by now their friend was secretly texting someone. Wayo had been frequently seen texting someone these past weeks and although the couple had a suspicion of who it could be they decided to not pry much.

"How about this Phii, look? Pretty, right?" Kongpob said as he pointed to a beautiful picture of a tiny room with two cribs and sophisticatedly designed walls.

Arthit 'hhrmed', "Nahh, too pink.."

"But Phii, you love pink!"

The pregnant Omega frowned, "Where did you get that from? Also, we don't know the sex of the babies, how would two boys like to live in this pink room?"

Kongpob pouted cheekily, "I want two cute little girls, just as sweet and adorable like my Phii. Boys are naughty!"

Arthit pursed his lips, trying hard to hide the smile that was threatening to break onto his face. He knew the Alpha was just being silly and it was truly heart-warming. The Omega slapped the younger man mockingly as he stopped at a picture of a classily decorated nursery in neutral colors of pastel green and blues.

"Look, this seems beautiful, na?"

Kongpob leaned in, "Ohhh, this really does look nice. Also, the whole sky and nature theme is attractive."

Arthit made an agreeing noise, but he held his back and lifted himself up. Kongpob pressed a hand at the small of his back just as a support. There was not even a need to ask where Arthit was heading to. The pregnant Omega these days had to pee every hour if not less. It was really getting tiresome, but there was nothing they could do. Also, the twins kicking as they fought for space didn't help matters. Wayo had said that the last two months would be the worst and Kongpob had soon noticed the same.

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