Chapter 10

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Date: 9/1/2020

AN: Once again posting purely on instinct, even though I am nowhere ready with my next chapter.  This chapter will introduce a concept that you guys may not be familiar with. But, I really wish you will like it. 


"Hey Arthit! Come, let's go eat. I want to see what N'Kongpob has packed for you today!" Earth said as she nudged Omega to put the work on hold to have lunch. When the pregnancy was confirmed, Kongpob had decided to inform P'Earth of the situation so his Phii would have someone to take care of him at work. The couple had decided to let only the closest friends know until the second ultrasound, which would tell them for sure if everything was going smoothly. It was Wednesday today, which meant Arthit had stopped taking the birth control pills now. His nausea had basically disappeared since Sunday and his appetite was back to normal. So far, everything was happening just the way the doctor had told them.

Kongpob was taking everything seriously, as was expected. He made two lunch boxes for Arthit every day, along with a hearty breakfast. Amazingly, it was something new and interesting every day, so it was appetizing for Arthit. He had also ensured that there a small box of nuts in Arthit's office bag, which he refilled without fail. The Alpha also prepared something light yet nutritious for Arthit's late-night meal. Watching all this, Arthit knew everything was taking a toll on his mate. He was working so hard for Arthit, managing work and the pregnancy. It also didn't go unnoticed by Arthit that Kongpob had taken care to not overdo salt or spices. Although Arthit loved spicy food he didn't say anything, knowing the pains his Alpha was taking to take care of Arthit. Kongpob had also put reminders so he could easily keep track of Arthit's medicines. Every day the Alpha would call at two in the afternoon to remind Arthit to take his after meal tablet. Kongpob's love and care was melting Arthit's heart but he was also worried.

Lost in his thoughts, Arthit didn't even realize he along with P'Earth had already reached the cafeteria. They settled down at a table after the woman placed an order for her meal.

Arthit opened his lunch box and sighed. Kongpob had so carefully packed everything, neatly placed in their compartments. Stir-fry tofu with salad and rice. Earth leaned over to see what was making her friend upset like that but she couldn't see anything but love in the lunchbox.

"Arthit, do you not like tofu?" The Omega looked up confused with the question.


"Why are you making that sour face? N'Kongpob has put in so much he does every day.."

Arthit placed the chopsticks down and sighed, this time loudly, "That's the problem Phii. Kong..he's doing so many things. He used to do breakfast for me almost every day earlier as well..but with the doctor insisting that I avoid take-out and such...he's just."

Earth blinked and patted Arthit's hand lightly. "He's your Alpha it's very natural that he feels the need to take care of you and those lives within you."

Arthit nodded, "I know. But he's just doing too much. And it's not even just the meals, he makes sure I have my little snacks and keeps track of my meds. Not to mention he has his own work as well. It is really ..I know he's tired and everything is too much for him to be doing alone. But, he doesn't let me do anything at all. I mean yes, I'm not my best in the morning, but I can surely do everything in the evening. I'm pregnant, you know? Not.."

Earth smiled indulgently, "But you told me that the doctor has asked you to rest a lot and take it easy. Maybe nong just wants you to be comfortable."

"I know, but what good is everything if he is exhausted.." Arthit said as he picked up the chopsticks to eat.

Earth sighed. Arthit did have a point. "Isn't there someone who you can call on? Who can come and stay with you guys through the duration? Maybe..N'Kongpob's Mae?"

Arthit shook his head, "It's too early to call Mae here, although she will be happy to. Besides, she is weak already coping with her kidney issues. It is just not fair to pressure her right now."

Earth 'hhhmmed' as she took a sip of her drink. But then her eyes sparkled as if she had the best idea ever, "Arthit! Why don't you hire a midwife?"

Arthit looked at her confused, "What?"

Earth waved her hands, "Look my sister-in-law hired this person, who stayed with her throughout the pregnancy. Like, he cooked for her..took care of her as the doctor had advised and everything. It's a great option for you guys really, especially since your pregnancy is of a delicate nature. What say?"

Arthit looked at her like he couldn't understand anything. Earth shook her head, "Let me just get the agency's number from my brother okay? Both of you can go visit them and see if it suits you. They will tell you your options and how the person assigned to you will take care of you. It's an option worth exploring, right?"

Arthit nodded. He could see that this could be helpful for them. He thanked Earth and agreed to see where this would go. If this would decrease the burden on his mate, why not?


AN: what do you think? Excited? not interested? Should our Oon go for this? Let me know in the comments. 

Also, my muse is working overtime, so I'm also penning a new book which will be KongArt hurt/comfort, slight-angst. Hopefully, you guys will enjoy it as well. Will post a teaser when this book is completed. 

Toodloos my lovelies!

See you soon.

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