Chapter 7

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Date: 31/12/2019

AN: The day is here my lovelies and as promised the first update! Stay tuned for the second update soon! Happy New Year!!


Arthit was discharged the same day he had the Ultrasound. He was prescribed the usual vitamin and mineral supplements along with something that would help with his morning sickness. He was still taking the birth-control pill but the dosage had been cut down to half after Dr. Daow consulted with the specialist she kept referring to. She had also promised that she would get Arthit the appointment as early as possible and had asked both the men to keep a flexible schedule over the next week.

After a day's rest, Arthit had joined work again and so had Kongpob. Things seemed to be returning back to normal. Arthit started feeling better, especially since he had emotionally calmed down after the first look at his baby or babies.

When the couple had returned home from the hospital, Arthit had lunged at his Alpha and sobbed to his heart's content. Kongpob had said nothing, just hugging his Omega, understanding the overwhelming emotions the older man must be feeling. It seemed like ages before Arthit was calm enough and Kongpob moved both of them to the couch. The Alpha picked up his mate as he settled on the cushioned chair and placed Arthit on his lap, who adjusted to a straddling position to be comfortable and warm. The Omega leaned his head on the strong chest and sniffled a bit.

"I'm sorry Kong.."

"Huh..? Phii.."

Arthit sighed and moved back a bit to meet Kongpob's eye, "When I first heard..I was so shocked. We took all the precautions and still. You know I wanted to be working hard and ..and I wanted you to not worry about me as you climbed up your career ladder. A few years...But but .."

Kongpob nodded and smiled a little, "Phii, you don't have to be worried about anything.."

"No Kong! You..Please hear me out. Remember when you asked me if I was okay at the hospital? I was not. I really was not! I mean I didn't even know if I was okay with having this baby.."


Arthit snorted and hid his face in Kongpob's neck, "I know! I'm sorry my nong! I don't know how I even entertained such thoughts, even if it was just for a second..!"

Kongpob had felt himself go rigid. He was alert and trying not to explode, give his mate time to finish. He had felt a stabbing pain in his heart at the thought that Arthit had even had this thought. But the Alpha took a deep breath and waited.

The Omega once again met his Alpha's eyes, clearing the salty water from them. He held his nong's face in both his hands, "My nong, I love you so much. And this is our baby. It's your piece inside of me. How could I even have any negative thoughts?" Arthit's hands fell as he closed his eyes and shook his head, "This baby or babies are ours, nong. I had forgotten for a moment that this a true blessing from God, a sign of how true our love is. Please forgive me, love. I promise I only want to do the best and protect these babies." Arthit had once again hugged his Alpha hoping to make the other understand that he was now suddenly full of maternal feelings for the lives growing within him.

Kongpob sensed the regret and sincerity of everything that his Omega was telling him. He tightened the embrace and pulled Arthit to him, rocking him a little. He realized that Arthit was feeling really guilty for fleeting thoughts that came because of shock and panic, rather than anything else.

The Alpha squeezed his mate hard once again to reassure Arthit that he had no hard feelings and that he understood. Kongpob heard Arthit chuckle and sniffle a bit both at the same time and vowed to do everything he could to keep his little family safe forever.

A couple of days later, Dr. Daow called to confirm their appointment with the specialist doctor at the hospital on Friday.


AN: Next chapter will have two new characters! One you get a glimpse of and another introduces himself! Excited??? 

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See you soon my lovelies


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