Choices (3)

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After that little screaming fest in the hall, I was left standing there for quite sometime. I had honestly never met anyone like her. Amanda Cornwall with the honey coloured hair and ferocious personality.  I loved winding her up and seeing how she would react.

I decided to chase after her to see what else she would have to say on the subject. I saw her turning around the corner and was just about to call out her name when she bumped into Potter. After 5mins of watching them converse, I knew it. She was in love with him.

I could have died right there when I found out she loved him. Why him of all people? Why my sworn enemy? I could see her flustered expression, her bright smile. All those were like aches in my chest.

After a while he left her and started walking towards me. I quickly leant and propped my foot up against the wall like I was minding my own business.

Potter's eyes narrowed as he saw me .

"Malfoy," he acknowledged through gritted teeth.

"Potter," I spat back.

After he had left, I turned and saw her just leaning against the wall, sighing in disappointment. I wanted to do nothing but cheer her up  but it would look weird if I just suddenly went up to her like that. I laughed. It got her attention. She turned and started looking. I crept silently behind her.

"Well well well, it looks like Amanda Cornwall got rejected," I said in what I hoped was a playful voice.  I don't think it was since she just glared at me. I was about to comment on the fact that she was always angry when her face became sad again.  

I resisted the urge to say "What's wrong?" I had a bad boy reputation to hold up after all.

"What do you want Malfoy?" she asked dejectedly. She looked so vulnerable, it hurt. I leant in just a little closer, just to see her face. She was beautiful. Her long wavy hair that she detested so much framed her face perfectly. Her brown eyes that were usually s soft and comforting were now filled with sadness. Her full lips looked soft and moist. I so badly wanted to lean down and kiss her but I couldn't.

She suddenly leant in closer. At this, I was frightened. It was natural for me to pull back. My defence instincts kicked in and I found myself saying "Whoa what you doing there Cornwall? Everyone knows you liked Potter or am I just too irresistible for you?"

"What are you talking about Malfoy?" she snapped "I would never like a ferret like you."

"Oh that's rich coming from a potter lover like you," I looked unfazed by her comment but inside I was a random mix of emotions. Never like someone like me...

"Shut up," she snapped, her cheeks going slightly pink. That's when something broke inside of me.  I was so angry that she liked him. How could she?

"Why?" I chuckled "Everyone knows you like him. It's written all over your face how much you want to jump and get into bed with him."

I felt bad after saying this. Her face had gone all white as she stared at me,shocked. It was like I had slapped her.

"You're sick Malfoy," she turned and she ran leaving me standing there like the fool I was.

Choices ( a Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now