Choices ( 35)

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I let out a sigh of relief as I entered the small washroom and closed the door behind me. Phase one of my plan complete. I could hear Harry walking around the tent through the closed door and my heart dropped a little inside as I thought about what I was going to do.

A knock on the door interrupted my melancholy thoughts.

“Aman- I mean…Leslie?” Harry called out “Are you ok in there?”

“I’m fine,” I replied “Just freshening up.”

I glanced up at the small mirror and was once again reminded of how different I looked. I no longer felt or looked like me anymore. Everything had changed. I splashed my face with cold water to rid myself of the sticky sensation that came after a long day of hard work.

I could hear raised voices outside. Hermione must have come back. Casting a drying spell on my face, I stepped out to reveal myself.

Both fell silent as they saw me. Harry gave me an apologetic look while Hermione pointed her wand at me.

“Harry,” Hermione’s voice wavered “who is she and what is she doing here?”

“Allow me to introduce myself,” I said before Harry could get a chance to talk “My name is Leslie Becker. I believe you know my cousin, Amanda Cornwall? She told me all about you and she said you might need help. I merely stumbled onto your camp and met Harry.”

Hermione’s brow furrowed, clearly suspicious. “We have wards up everywhere, how could you have seen us?”

“I stepped outside for fresh air and to just collect myself,” Harry interjected “I probably shouldn’t have done that but then Leslie approached me. Just trust her Mione, she’s Amanda’s cousin.”

Hermione lowered her wand, but she still looked at me accusingly.

“You better not be lying,” she warned.

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” I replied smoothly.  Harry looked down guiltily and I silently willed him to hold it together.

“You can sleep over there,” Hermione gestured to a small cot on the far side of the tent. I nodded in thanks and climbed under the thin blanket.

I could sense Harry watching me as I lay my head on the pillow. I closed my eyes and feigned sleep as he and Hermione argued in hush whispers.

“What makes you so certain we can trust her?” Hermione hissed quietly.

“I just am,” said Harry confidently “She won’t betray us, I swear to you.”

“How can you sound so confident after what happened at Godric’s Hollow? Do you not remember how you nearly died?”

My eyes flew open in surprise. Nearly died? Oh my god. Even though I was completely and utterly in love with Draco, I still cared about my dear friend Harry. Thank Merlin he was ok. I closed my eyes again and pretended to be deep in sleep.

“I’m fine now Hermione, we just need to find a way to destroy the locket and find the rest of the horcruxes.”

What the hell were horcruxes? What locket? Gosh I was starting to feel tired. I fought in vain to stay awake, but the troubles of the day had been exhausting and I felt sleep take over.


It was midnight when I was shaken away. I open my eyes groggily to see Harry above me.

“Hey, there’s someone you should see,” he said, pulling me up from my sleeping position. I looked behind him to see a familiar red head.

Choices ( a Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now