A New Begining

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The fourth great shinobi war? (ninja war0

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"Burn!" I heard a voice whisper in the back of my mind. Usualy this voice, the Matatabi's voice I ignored, but now listened to without doubt. I bent down on all four, blue paws and opened my large muzzle. I was in full out jinjuriki tailed beast form. I felt powerfull, strong, and as if I could do anything. I felt chakra burn in my mouth, it wasn't like my normal chakra. Cool wind style, water style chakra nature. This chakra burned. When I released the chakra it was a new form, a three-tailes fire ball barreling down towards the Toshiki clan shinobi. I grinned exposing long cat fangs, 'with the matatabi's chakra I have the use of fire style ninjutsu' I thought. 

"Ice Style! Combined ice wall!" I heared Nogushi and many other Toshiki Clan members yell. A large ice wall was building upwards with a loud crackling noise. They held their hands up and bluish threads. The fire dwindled down in size, but as did the melting ice wall. Burning trees nearby were extinguished with the water from the melted wall. 'Burn! Stronger next time!' I heard a voice hiss in the back of my mind.  The hole in the ice wall repaired itself and then the wall itself began to fold into one large ice spear. The ice-spear was thrown forward towards me. I heard Akamaru bark loudly behind, reminded me they were still their. I braced myself, allowing my nails to grow into long claws. I caught the ice spear, though the tip hit me. The wound wasn't deep, but it reminded me of the wound lying beneath the tailed beasts chakra, the wound I took in order to save Kiba. 

"Yumi!" Kiba called to me. I turned my head and smiled a cat-like smile. The ice-spear melted in my paws from the intense heat created by my chakra. 'Go!' the voice hissed in my mind. I lunged forward with unimaginable speed towards the enemy shinobi. My muzzle opened in a snarl, paw raised, and claws extended. 

"Die!" I snarled, and I brought my claws down on the wide-eyed, terrified Nogushi and Nomiki. They didn't even have time to cry out in fear and pain. It was over. Shinobi dashed forward, and threw Kuni-Knives. A sizzling sound reached my ears, paper bombs. 

"Huh!" Kiba exclaimed, as he threw shuriken-stars at the flying kuni-knives. There was a loud ba-boom as the weapons collided and fell to the ground in puffs of smoke.

"Take this you demon!" yelled a man. He lept out of the smoke, and his foot smashed into the side of my face. He was strong enough to push me backwards. I hit the ground hard, my face stinging. He jumped up, whipping out a dozen ice-style shurikens with paper-bombs attached. Kiba was busy dealing with other shinobi. Instinctively I put my three tails in the way of the shurikens. There was a stinging, burning sensation in them as the bombs went off. The pain was so great I cried out. I swung my claws out blindly, but missed hitting the shinobi. I struggled to raise myself to my paws.

"Demon! Die!" he yelled and attacked me again with monsterous, brutal strength. His fists hit me in the stromach multiple times. Over and over and I felt as if I couldn't breath while he beat me. Finaly my back hit a tree, the middle of it creaked and cracked just a little. My head hung low, and my breathing was ragged.

"For Toshiki!" he snarled viciously and came at me again. His fist glowed a bright neon blue because of all the chakra built up in it. My tails swung up and wrapped around him and his fist missed me by an inch. The next thing he knew he was swung upwards. I lept high into the air, spiraled and hit him with my tail. He landed far away, dead. I landed lightly on my paws and continued fighting beside Kiba and Akamaru. I didn't use any more ninjutsu involving a great amount of chakra. I was still new to this new form of fighting with the Matatabi's chakra at my control. I had definetely used a lot of chakra, so instead I fought with taijutsu, the hand to hand combat. Claws vs ice weapons; my three tails as a shield to paper bombs or to be used as baseball bats and to knock aside the enemy. Trees around the battle area were either burned, snapped like twigs, in splitered pieces, or had been blown back a few hundred yards.

Somewhere in the distance I heard a loud bang, and green like wisps of what had to be chakra began falling out of the sky.

"Lord Pain has betrayed us!" yelled a Toshiki Clan member. One by one the enemy shinobi ran by, but most were wiped out by Kiba, Akamaru, other leaf-village shinobi, and I. Pain, the leader of the Akatsuki's invasion was over. Apparently Naruto had convinced Pain that he would change the shinobi world one day as Hokage, and Pain and his partner. Naruto was a village hero, and I was proud of my old friend. The green wisps of chakra was Pain's "apology". Those dead were revived. All of the sudden I felt a shiver like electricity flow through my body. My eyes grew heavy and I felt as if I were shrinking.


The Toshiki clan was dead, and the few remaining weaker members ran in different directions away from each other. They'd most likely never see each other again, never to join up and plot against another nation in hope of complete take over.

"Come on Yumi, Akamaru" I said waving to them both. Akamaru hopped over to my side and Yumi still in tailed-beast form turned towards us. Her eyes grew heavy and her cat-form shrunk smaller and smaller to human size. As this happended the blue chakra turned pink. Through the pink chakra cloack I could see the black flower pattern on her body. It glowed flamming purple and moved across her body and into the three tomoe shape curse-mark . It spun around, glowed burning-orange as the rest of the tailed-beast charka disappeared before the curse-mark went back to normal. 'So that's Orochimaru's curse-mark. Despite the fact he was evil he still loved his daughter' I thought.

"Kiba" Yumi's weak, deary voice brought my out of my thoughts. She gave me a faint smile. My eyes flickered from her face down lower her body. My eyes widened in concern, the wound she recieved when she jumped out to save me hadn't fully healed, and was still bleeding. She reached out with one hand, her eyes widened, and she buckled over falling off the tree branch she stood on. I lept downwards and made it in time to catch her. Akamaru, and I carrying Yumi returned to the village were everyone was celebrating. The village was torn up, though the outer walls still stood, the tree were the Ninja Academy still grew, and the Hokage's mountain side images still stood. Everything was going to be okay; although, Lady Tsunade had over used her chakra and had endured to much stress in her old age, she was in a coma. Then their was Madara, a member of the Akatsuki who was still left with a few others. He was dangerous, and would surely cause more trouble fo the word of shinobi, and the remaining jinjuriki too.


"What do you mean Madara is going to be trouble?" Hinata asked.

"Madara is the new leader of the akatsuki. He's going to cause some mess" Yumi answered her. I nodded my head in agreement,

"War, the fourth great shinobi war" I muttered quietly.

"Do you really thing there'll be a war Kiba?" Hinata asked, her voice full of concern. I nodded my head,

"Hell yeah, n-" I began to say.

"Modern Warfar four!" Naruto jumped in,

"A time where great shinobi make themselves known in battle, a time when shinbo are called to battle; the Call of Duty 4" Naruto said with a heroic accent.

"Not Call of duty, or Modern Warfare! It's the great shinobi war" I snapped at him.

"Yeah, yeah Kiba. Same thing" Naruto shrugged. I growled, Yumi laughed at my anger, Hinata blushed and got all shy around Naruto again, and then Shino- was well Shino who doesn't say, do, or show emotion much. I sighed, this was a-

"What a drag" Shikamaru complained. 

"I guess I'm not alloud to talk, or think my own thoughts" I murmmured.

"Nope" Yumi laughed.

"Well I'm going out for some Ichiraku Ramen with Iruka Sensei" Naruto said waving goodbye.

"Oh and guys, let me know more info about the war, I definetely want to read about it" Naruto said before sprining off. I nodded my head. We'd be sure to tell him, and you all about the war.

"So, do you want to read about A GREAT SHINOBI WAR 4?" I asked.

Do you? Comment if so, this is the end of Book 2

Thanks for sticking with me to the end

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Enjoy reading, writing, and life :)

-Summer512 a.k.a. Golden Ink ;)

Orochimaru's Daughter: Life in Konoha 2 (Completed/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now