Cracka! Cracka! Boom! Explosive

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"She'll be okay right?" asked Kiba, who now held the unconcious Yumi. His eyes held worry and concern more for her than the minor cut on his cheek. I looked her over for majoy injuries. 

"She'll be okay" answered Kogo, the great blue snake. Kiba let out a relieved sigh.

"But she shouldn't use to much of that power should she?" asked a weak voice, Shino had just woken up. He grunted with effort to stand up. 

Kogo shook his head, "When she uses it the White Snake Sage Mode she is absorbing natural energy. When doing so the tailed-beast within her is consuming some of this along with some of her own chakra, an then by consuming her chakra it will gradualy pull at her will power enough to gain control" Kogo said. I nodded understandingly, so that was why the Matatabi had awaken.

"Thank you Kogo-sam" I thanked the snake polietely. It bowed its head and disappeared in a puff of smoke. 

"Here, everyone could use a boost of strength" Kiba said and held out a small cloth bag. Inside were food pills. As I popped one in my mouth there was a loud crackling sound. I nearly choked because the noise had startled me. The purple bubble surrounding the area had three cracks traveling up the bubble. They finaly met in the center and the bubble broke like glass. I shieled myself, but it disinagrated before it hit us. It was like purple, neither cold-nor hot, snow. It disinagrated completely before touching the ground.

"Is everyone up to moving more?" Shino asked.

"Always ready for action" Kiba told him, Akamaru barked in agreement. 

"Right, then lets go" I agreed. We sprinted through the trees away from the dead beast of a lion. I activated my byakugon and scanned on ahead.

"There's something underground, but I can't tell what it is. We'll be nearing the tower shortly" I informed my group.

"Allright" Shino said. A few insects began to fly out from his sleeves and towards the direction we were heading, towards the tower. Shortly later we sat down and ate, and drank the remenants of our water. It was late, and we were too tired to really continue. The battle had taken a lot out of all of us. I sighed, content with the small fire Kiba had started. Yumi was still unconcious, and had a wet cloth on her due to the slight fever she was running. Everything was okay. Shino was keeping watch while we slept, and then he'd wake me later to do watch. The night went okay, no enemy attacks, no animals/beasts bothering us, and Yumi's fever didn't raise any higher.


I finaly woke up to the others packing the small sleeping bags. Little plumes of smoke still rose room the hot wood that was no longer burning. 

"How are you feeling?" Shino asked.

"Better, I take it we're moving on to the tower?" I asked curiously.

"It's day 4 our of 6, we should try to get there by late tonight, or early morning to avoid contact with enemy shinobi" Shino told me. I nodded my head, and packed away my sleeping bag. We began to run through the forest before jumping up high into the trees, and jumping  from branch to branch.

"Hey Hinata, didn't you say there was somthing underground?" Kiba asked. Hinata nodded her head and activated her byokgan. She looked around and gasped. Hinata suddenly jumped to the side, pushing all of us with her. Just as she did so there was a huge explosion. A nearby tree fell to the groun and bits of earth and paper rained down. We unsteadily stood up.

"There's land mines everywhere" Hinata told us.

"Everyone proceed with caution from now on" Shino said.  

Orochimaru's Daughter: Life in Konoha 2 (Completed/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now