White Snake Sage Mode; Risks

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My skin became paler, my eyes more snake like, and the purple marking around my eyes more prominent, too.

"Be carefull how much energy you absormed Yumi-san" the snake hissed. I didn't exactly understand what energy I was absorbing, but I could feel it. I did my best to control it. 

"Alright, lets go!" Kiba yelled. The lion that was charging towards us was close. I was in the middle, on top of the slithering snake beside Hinata. Kiba, Akamaru and Shino ran on the sides. 

"Go Akamaru!" Kiba yelled. Kiba ran around the lion as Akamaru spun in the air, "going" on the lion. It snarled in rage and lashed out blindly. Akamaru landed swiftly on his paws. Kiba and Akamaru lept into the air.

"Tsuga!" Akamaru, now as a clone of Kiba, snarled vicious. The shinobi and ninja houd spun at an alarming rate towards the lion. Of course it dodged, but Kiba and Akamaru shifted directions. I lept off the snake and ran on foot in between it an the snake. There were dents in the ground from the speed I was running at. It was amazing, this new energy I had. The snake ducked undergound and reappeared nearby. It struck at the lion, but it batted out with its claws. Kogo, the great blue snake, was quick and agile. Kogo dodged with great ease, but it was a narrow dodge. I lashed out with my own claws at the same time Shino's insects swept over the lions eyes. The beast snarled with rage as my claws tore through fur and flesh. Great amounts of blood spilled out, but the beast still thrashed about with the same great force. 

"Now Hinata!" Shino qued her, he stood making the tiger-handsign in order to control his insects.

"Right" Hinata said. She ran forward, still in fighting stance, "Hiiii-" she yelled. She was ready to strike when the lion cleared its eyes and batted me away effortlessly. We were all blown away by the lion. My back hit a tree with enough force to bounce. The wind was knocked from my lungs. My hands went up to my neck, and my mouth was open in a silent cry of pain. I felt a hard thwack to my back and air rushed into my lungs.

"Thanks Kiba" I thanked him. He nodded his head, his eyes were full of worry and concern. Shino held up his hands and a great mass of insects began to circle around the lion.

"We need a plan that'll work. Otherwise... we'll run out of chakra" he grunted, and his breathing was hard and rugged. 

"Yeah and m-" I started to say when I fell to my knees. I clutched my stomach. My body was suddenly very tired now. Kogo slithered up to me and hissed,

"That power, when in White Snake Sage Mode comes with risks. Especialy for you with the Matatabi" it told me. I nodded, completely understanding. I heard a demon like chuckle, and the world seemed to flash from reality to the two, gold golden gates that were always locked. Keeping Matatabi sealed away within me. 'Weak little child, you can not hope to win this battle' it sneered. I gritted my teeth together. I wasn't weak! I was fighting tears of frustration and bitter anger. No way was I going to be so weak. I would be strong.


I was quite worried about Yumi now. Great power did come with risks. Like in Akamaru and I's White Fang: Two Headed Wolf combo-jutsu; although, something else bothered me greatly. Through the torn fish-net undershirt she wore a mark showed on her stomach with five different points. I'd seen the mark twice, and that had been the times the Matatabi, the tailed-beast within her, took control. One of her eyes was yellow with a slit pupil like that of a snake, and then the other had changed more cat-like. 'One eye of the demon, and one from using the sage-mode' I thought. She made a the snake handsign and the cat-like eye changed to be like the other snake-eye. 

"Maybe you shouldn't use that technique" I suggested.

"Shut it Kiba" she snapped at me, she was breathing quite hard and staggered as she stood up.

"I am not weak" she told me, looking me dead in the eyes with cold, harsh, hard eyes. There was not only furiosity and fiercness, but determination and stubborness. I shook my head and chuckled. 'What am I to do with you Yumi?' I wondered. There was a furious snarl and a loud cry. I jumped into the air, catching Shino and put him down against a tree.

"Out of.... chakra" he muttered before his head went limp. 

"Yumi and Hinata watch over him" I told the two.

"I'm not weak, I'm fighting" Yumi snapped at me. Hinata listened to me, but of course Yumi wasn't going to.

"Fine, but try not to get hurt" I told her. 

"Lets get the beast away from Shino" she ordered. I nodded in agreement. Shino had done enough already, it was our turn to take action. Akamaru barked loudly to confim that he was ready. 

"Be ready Yumi" I told her. She nodded in agreement. I decided to charge before the lion could. 

"Lets go!" I yelled. Akamaru lept into the air as did I. As we spun towards the lion we transformed into a large white, two headed worlf with large fangs. Yumi, with this White Snake Sage mode was easily able to keep up, but I was worried for how long she would be able to. 'Lets go' I thought to Akamaru. Now as a large, two headed wolf we blindly attacked with passing fang. Yes we were blind because of the speed we spun at, but our sense of smell was our guide. We missed, as the lion lept out of the way, but lept in Yumi's path. I heard a sickening tear and the scent of blood in the air. There was a yowl that followed after it. We landed heavily on our paws and tranformed back to normal. There was a lot of dust and dirt kicked up in the air from our jutsu making it hard to see. The yowling was begining to dial down as well as the dust. I started walking in Yumi, the great snake she had summoned, and the lions direction. What I saw was frightening.

Kojo the great blue snake was strangling the lion, the lion was bleeding heavily from the snake-bite and the long claws Yumi had stabbed it with. It was Yumi that was frightening. A pinkish, bubbly form surrounded her body. It encircled around her and her claws. Two visions passed in my memory, they were just like this. Yumi's lips curled up in a silent snarl as she withdrew her claws from the now dead lion. Her cat-like eyes turned to me, and she snarled and began to charge towards me.

I remembered the first time Yumi had transformed completely into the Matatabi, the three-tailed cat demon. Maybe it was shocked about this, or maybe it was me being stubborn but I didn't move. Once again those demon cat claws were poised to kill as she charged towards me, yet I didn't move. The words just like the last time this happened came to mind, 

"You wouldn't dare" I whispered. Those cold eyes met mine, a flicker of warmth in them, and the claws that were poised to kill me lightly grazed me cheek. Yumi staggered before stumbling to the ground. The pinkish chakra cloak around her began to sizzle with an odd, glowing purple flame, some sort of chakra. It seemed to be burning the chakra, and it wasn't until the last of the chakra cloak that had possessed her was gone did the purple flame burn out. 


My claws hit the lion and before they did I felt a burst of energy within me. My vision was blured slightly and I felt something weakening, yet becoming stronger within me. 'The Matatabi, the tailed beast' I realized. The next thing I knew I was charging towards Kiba. 'No!' I thought horrified. I pushed all my will into moving out of the way. 'Yes!' the three tail's thoughts merged with mine. I had the urge for blood to be shed! For there to be dead bodies at my feet, but I felt something else. An extra push to my will against the three tails. The push, the extra will power gave me the strength gain some control over my body again. I staggered a bit before falling to my knees and flopping down. The warmth spread all over, pushing away the evil Matatabi's will. It strengthened my will and kept the Matatabi under control. My lips moved, but no sound came out,

"Thanks father" I whispered before the world went dim.

Orochimaru's Daughter: Life in Konoha 2 (Completed/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now