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As I stood up I was licked on the cheeck by Akamaru.

"Hey boy" I mummered weakly. I looked up to see Yumi tailed beast form. I shook my head sadly. Shino limped over cradling his arm that was obviously broken. I looked back to Yumi, or the Matatabi, still fighting Mimikia. I made a move to run out, but Shino stopped me with his one good arm.

"Don't you'll only get caught in the mess" he told me.

"But Yumi-"

"I know Kiba, but we can't stop her. I wish we could help, but we can't. You'll be killed Kiba" Shino said, with a look of conern.

"Your right, but we can't just sit here" I told him. I jumped into the battle.

"What do you want?" Mimiki snarled, putting spae between the Matatabi and I.

"Nothing, but to save my comrad" I told her. The Matatabi growled low at the sight of me, its three tails lashing side to side. Suddenly it lunged towards us. Its jaws snapping viciously at Mimiki who was throwing shuriken at it.

"Don't, you'll only make her angier" I snapped at her.

"Yeah, and I'll let myself be killed" she sneered. I shook my head.

"I'm serious, I just have to get through to her" I muttered though she didn't understand. I jumped down boldly in front of Matatabi; fearless and concerned more really for her than myself, yet she could strike me at any momment.

"Can't attack me can you?" I taunted boldly. The Matatabi growled low and stood up on all four paws.

"That's your weakness, an't attack your comrad Kiba" I said with a calm tone. At the mention of weakness though The Matatabi hissed furiously. Yumi stood in a hunters crouch ready to pounce, claws digging into the bark of the tree branch. Without realizing it my hand went to the back of my pouch. I losed my eyes thinking,


He lifted his head up from the book, Make Out Paradise 3.

"Kiba? You have something on your mind?" the sensi asked.

"Yeah, its about the jonin exams" I told him, "Its last minute, but do you have a chakra suppresent patch?" I asked him. He appeared confused at first, but then he appeared to understand.

"Yumi?" he guessed, a curious, suggestive eyebrow raised.

"Um.... no I just though it'd be u-usefull" I stuttered, not knowing what to say. I felt heat rush to my face.

"Young, yet in love" he said with an amused tone, I could see his smile below the mask he always wore. Again I felt my face heat up more.

"I am-" I started to protest.

"Don't lie to me, you really care for her" he said with the same tone. He still wore the amused grin under the mask, obviously having fun taunting me about my feelings for Yumi.

"Here, two chakra supressent patches" he said pulling out two papers out of his ninja tool pouch.

"Thanks" I said taking them. I began to walk away and as I did I heard him mutter quietly,

"I wonder what they're like alone" I whirled around startled, my face was probably red as a flame.

"It's not like that!" I blurted. This was so embarrasing. His eyes widened, he hadn't expeted me to have heard.

"Well I better get going, good luck" he said quickly and disappeared in a puff of smoke. I hurried home, very embarrased. 'I'm not in love with Yumi am I?' I wondered, not quite believing anything that serious could be between us.

End of Flashback:

I felt for the chakra patch, but it wasn't there. My heart began to race quickly. Panic rising within me, and fear too. What was I to do? 'Oh wait, here it is' I thought. I felt the thin paper strip under a couple kuni-knives. I sent Hinata who was now beside me a look. After being on the same team for so many years she understood I had a plan without words. The Matatabi, sensing something was up lunged forth. Her claws smashed through the tree branch we'd been on. We had jumped high into the air when I passed Hinata a chakra suppressent. Shino stayed to the side lines, out of the way with his broken arm.

"Yumi!" I called out to her, hoping that Yumi was somewhere concious.

"The girl you speak of is gone, asleep" the Matatabi hissed with a delighted tone.

"People an be awaken" I shot back, and again I called to Yumi again.

"Tsuga!" I exclaimed. I attaked with fang passing fang beside Akamaru. Hinata was close behind. Akamaru missed, but I didn't. Yumi had dodged to late, yet I knew the Matatabi was much faster. 'She's slowing, I know Yumi's there somewhere' I thought knowingly. The Matatabi's laws hit a branch lower down. Hinata attacked, a burst of her chakra hit the Matatabi, but Hinata recieved a hard blow to the chest.

"One more time Hinata" I encouraged. We attacked again. We failed, and I had a long slash running down my arm. Hinata lunged forward. She ducked, dodged, and struck forth with multiple blows.


I had the chakra suppresesent patch just under my sleeve. I repeatedly stuck forward, with each blow I tried to stick the patch on her forhead. The Matatabi snarled with rage and anger. I struck her shoulder hard and released a burst of chakra. She yelped and then snalred. Before I knew it I had been hit hard in the stomach, my back slammed into one of the few, nearby trees. The Matatabi snarled and was about to blast the surrounding area with a giant fire ball when I felt a hand pull me away.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked the enemy shinobi, Mimiki.

"No point in getting killed, so what's your plan kid?" she asked. I showed her the chakra patch.

"Lets go" I called to Kiba. Mimiki and I charged forward. Her fists slammed into the Mimiki. Again I hit the Matatabi with gentle fist.

"64 palm!" I attacked with everything I had. After the repeating blows she fell to the ground. There was a sizzling sound below from the chakra suppressent patch Kiba had on Yumi's forehead. Her blue furry form grew smaller and one tail disappeared. What was left was two tails and the pinkish chakra cloak. It disapeared, was replaced with a purplish flame and then it all disappeared leaving Yumi laying on the ground unconcious. I looked up, remembering the enemy shinobi. I turned to face them.

"Here take it. We only participated in the jonin exams for the Akatsuki's sake" said Mimiki. She through something green towards us which I caught. Mimiki left carrying her injured conrad and the remains of her fallen comrad. I looked down at what she'd thrown while Kiba went to check on Shino. I couldn't believe what she'd given us. The third green scroll.


I layed her down on the thick tree branch.

"How's your arm Shino?" I asked.

"Okay, we need to get moving. Hinata has the 3rd scroll" Shino informed me. I nodded my head. There was no time to rest; this was the last day. I checked Akamaru to make sure he was ok, slung Yumi over my back and our squad dashed away with the 3rd scroll


Will edit later since I'm on my phone writting

Orochimaru's Daughter: Life in Konoha 2 (Completed/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now