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"Naruto watch out" Sakura shouted. It was almost to late. My clone was struck with many kuni-knives. Twisting and falling to the ground. Sakura wasn't insight, 'must have hid' I thought. I also hid in a large bush, looking for the enemy. I made the tiger hand sign, ready to use my shadow clone jutsu. 

"Just a shadow clone" said a tall figure with light hair. 

"Hey Hoji, what do you think?" asked another.

"Leaf Village Ninja Kasuse" Hoji, a large tall man, spat. I bit my tongue to keep from shouting out. He said 'Leaf Village' as if we were bad people. 

"They're still around, I can sense them" another joined them.

"Sniff 'em out Nugushi" Hoji demanded sternly. I watched them turn there backs to my hiding spot and grinned. 'Their mistake' I thought. I activated my shadow clone jutsu. I yelled as twenty of clones and I burst forward. At that momment Sakura also jumped out. 

"Haaaaaaaa!" she yelled, her right fist pulled back.  

"Ice release, Ice shuriken!" shouted Sasume. Ice formed in mid air, seemingly out of nothing, and dozens of ice-made shurikens shot forth. They hit my shadow clones causing them to disappear. I felt one whizz by my cheek. It stung, and I felt a bit of blood rolling down. My punch was blocked by Nogushi. There was a loud crack and a cry of pain from some other figure.

"Nomiki" Hoji cried and rushed to the girl Sakura had just punched. I heared her scream as she was punched hard in the gut by the tall figure who appeared to be in charge, Hoji.

I was slightly distracted, "Sakura! Ooff!" I recieved a hard kick to the side. I managed, though to stay on my feet. My foot thawked Hoji and Kasuse. They both fell to the ground. 

"Ice release, ice shuriken!" more members of the Toshiki Clan entered the battle scene. 'Damn it, we're out numbered' I noticed grimly, definetely not good. Sakura and I quickly got back to our feet. Kicks and punches were thrown all. Most we met, and some we weren't able to defend against. Us two against seven Toshiki Clan mates. Awefull circumstances I tell you. 

"Ooff!" I exlaimed. I took a hit to the face and fell backwards. I was struggling to stand up, but kept trying to.

"Naruto, this isn't good. They're just toying with us" Sakura said. She gritted her teeth and was healing a few long cuts on her left arm.

"Enough playing around, Ice Dome!" said Hoji. The air around us shimmered, and I realized I was getting.... getting... so tired and cold. My body froze and realization struck me. They were imprisioning us in a dome of ice!


Yumi sat, crissed croseed, mediating.  I then noticed a bluish green snake twisting up around the tree and slithered towards her. It's tongue darting in and out of its mouth as it hissed. Her eyes opened, and she was on her feet quickly. She hissed something, and turned to me.

"They've been found, and I think Naruto and Sakura are in trouble" she told me.

"Lets hurry" I told her. As we sprinted to their location, guided by the snake, I was thinking of plans and possible outcome. 'There's a good chance Naruto and Sakura engaged in a battle with the enemy. The could have been captured, or...' I shook the later thought away. 'No, Naruto and Sakura wouldn't let themselves or each other be killed in battle so easily' I thought without the slightest hint of doubt in my heart. I could sense a diferent chakra up ahead. Most not recognizable, but two of them was Naruto and Sakura.

"Stop!" I said preventing Yumi from attacking the figures and rescuing our comrads.

"We need to devise a strategy" I told her. The bushes rustled ever so slightly over head. Out from higher up in the trees jumped the rest of our team; Sai and Lee. 

I mouthed to my team instructions, "Yumi, Sai, and I will attack the Toshiki Clan and Lee you grab Naruto and Sakura" I told them. The nodded in understanding. The enemy had yet to notice that we were coming in closer, they had no idea we were around thank goodness. My shadow darkened and lengthened stretching out to a couple people.

"Super beast scroll!" Sai said. Snakes burst forth from his scroll and tied themselves around three others. Yumi had restrained two others with snakes that had shot out of her sleeve. I concentrated hard on my shadow posession jutsu. 

"Leaf Village Ninja" one spat, Hoji.

I grinned in triumph, "Shadow posession jutus complete" I said still wearing the smirk on my face. I could feel my control on the jutsu weakening. I made another couple different hand signs, "Shadow Strangle jutsu!" I said. My shadow became shadow-like arms and began to reach up to their necks.

"Now Lee!" I shouted. In a minute three of them would be strangled, three others would be strangled by Sai's snakes, and Yumi's snakes would poison the other two. 'If all goes well it'll have been an easy mission, and we'll return home soon' I thought. The only thing that could ruin it is for someone to escape our jutsu. Both Naruto and Sakaura were pale blue, a puddle of water forming from the melting ice. 

"Genji!" cried the group of people caught in Yumi's jutsu. A knife made of ice shot out of his hand and cut through the snakes binding him. The three sprang up towards Lee. 'Damn it' I thought. My shadow extended and lept up to the three about to attack Lee. My shadow suddenly stopped and my hold on Hoji, Kasuse, and Nogushi weaked. Surely they could feel it. Thank goodness for Yumi thought, she managed to stop them from harming Lee. The both of them grabbed Sakura and Naruto's thawing bodies. Before I knew it my shadow lightened and shrunk away from three of the Toshiki members. They jumped back to their injured clan members.

"You leaf ninja are disgusting" Kasai spat, a woman who looked to be arount thirty or younger. 

"Yeah, we'll show you" agreed Genji. With a cloud of mist they disappeared, but they said one last thing before I could sense their chakra no more, "we'll be back" and then I couldn't detect their presense any more. 

Orochimaru's Daughter: Life in Konoha 2 (Completed/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now