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As soon as we woke up, ate a small meal our group set off. The added chakra from the three-tails was surging through my body. It was an effect of training, or purposly digging into that chakra. No my body couldn't supress it as well as I hoped for, but that was why I had to keep training. I had to concentrate on keeping my pace normal, but I was having a hard time doing so. To my left I heard Lee grunting as he quickened his pace as he sprinted through the trees.

"I bet I can make it there first!" Naruto yelled gleefully, and sprinted past us. 

"I won't let myself be out-done" Lee accepted the challenge. I shook my head at their foolishness; although, I really wanted to race them.

"Wait up you guys! Oh, they're such idiots sometimes" Sakura said disapprovingly. She looked to Sai for support, but he was drawing something in his scroll.

"Superbeast scroll!" he said and from the scroll came up a large bird. He hopped on and soared past Lee and Naruto who where yelling it wasn't far. 

"Such a drag" Shikamaru muttered.

"What ever it looks like fun!" I cheered. The three-tails, matatabi's chakra was flowing through my chakra networks and my normal chakra kept the matatabi it's self supressed. With a large burst of chakra I sprinted forward, catching up to Naruto, Lee, and Sai easily. The race was on, and the beach was maybey twenty or so miles ahead. I continued to use the three-tails chakra to move at even faster speeds to keep up with Naruto and Lee. 

"First!" Lee jumped down standing at attention.

"Second" I replied.

"Third" Naruto said. Sai came in fourth. Despite the advantage he had we'd beat him. Lee was panting hard and had a triumphant grin on his face. Naruto was giving him a look challenging him to a rematch which would have to be later. About ten or fifteen minutes later Sakura and Shikamaru caught up, both looking quite tired. I grinned apolageticly. We caught a boat to take out to the island the village was located at. The sea was so pretty, and the shore of the island was just as beautifull. As we drew near because of my enhanced sense of sight I noticed something strange about the island.

"Do you feel that?" Naruto asked.

"Feel what?" Lee asked not getting what Naruto meant. Sai looked just as confused.

"Like there's something wrong up ahead" Naruto spoke with a serious tone.

"AlI I feel is the cool ocean breaze" Lee said excitedly. 

"I feel it too, like a sense of dread. Evil" I said quietly. He nodded in understanding. Something wasn't right. We neared the island, and soon we'd reached it. The smell of burning cloth, and wood reached my nose. I frowned. Something was terribly wrong, I just knew it. I ran away from the group.

"Yumi wait!" Sakura called after me,  but I wasn't going to wait. My group ran after me, close behind. My senses were on high-alert for danger. Up ahead a plume of smoke rose, there was a loud bang, and people screaming. The sound encouraged me to run even faster. 'Danger to your right!' I thought. I don't know if it were my own thought, my senses, or if it were the three-tails sealed away within me. I jumped, four shuriken whizzed beneath me. I gasped as I realized more shuriken were flying towards me head on. Rather than the shuriken killing me Naruto pushed me out of the way and took the hit instead. I was shocked, but then he disappeared in a cloud of smoke. I sighed, 'it was only a shadow cloneI thought. I'd forgotten how good he was with the shadow clone jutsu. I didn't see any attackers, but I could smell them and the scent was fading. I hurried to find them, the smell of smoke and sound of screaming people increased. I entered a village I was guessing was the one we were to protect, well it was burning and villagers were running around franticaly. I put my hand to my mouth to keep from screaming. A woman had been sliced in two by a man with a long blade. 'They must be of the Toshiki Clan' I realized.

"Shikamaru what do we do?" I asked.

"Defend the villagers!" he ordered. We all sprang into action. The woman slaughtered had dropped a baby and a man was trying to defend the child. Before the bandit could hurt them I kicked him hard in the side. He managed to fall into a hand stand and push himself back up.

"What, a little girl is going to stop me?" he laughed at me, mocked me. I hissed angrily and held my hands up, palms facing towards him. Chakra flowed into my hands. I'd perfected the chakra scalpel and the cat-claw jutsu together. My nails became claws and chakra was constantly flowing around my hands. Boldly I rushed forward, my hair flying behind me. He chuckled and prepared to swing with his mighty sword. With my right hands claws I blocked the sword, and with my left hand I hit his leg. I didn't break the skin, but I'd used the chakra scalpel to damage a couple muscels in his leg. The second he tried to move he fell to the ground howling in pain. I smiled at the villager behind me, who was carrying the small child.

"Thank you" he said. I nodded my head once and went on to helping more people. 

"Shadow clone jutsu!" Naruto said. There was a cloud of smoke and from it ran twenty clones of himself. They worked to beat up the badits. 

"Cha!" Sakura yelled as she slammed her fist into another. The impact sent him flying about fiftey meters! Her strength, like Lady Tsundades, was monsterous. Lee spun into the air, kicking a bunch of the bandits, people from the Toshiki Clan. They all stood on the opposite side of us. Most of them stood, and others limping in pain. 

"All you leaf ninja are the same" one spat. 

"Selfish, and won't let any new countries, new powers rise" another snapped.

"Because you are doing it in evil ways!" Lee shot back.

"We are doing it the way we see fit. I, Hoji Toshiki, will lead my clan to victory. You'll regret this" Hoji a tall man with spikey blonde hair snapped. They began to fade into a cloud of mist, and when it cleared they were gone. So this was the Toshiki Clan, a bunch of evil bandits.

"They'll probably be back, but for now lets help the villagers" Shikamaru said.

"Listen up! We are Leaf Village Ninja here to help!" Sakura annouced. People hiding in their homes or small markets peered out.

"If you are injured please let us help, we are expirienced in the medical ninjutus arts" Sakura said. Slowly, one by one they approached us. Many were injured, and it was going to take us a while to heal and help them. 'I may be the daughter of the evil Orochimaru, but at least I can do good' I thought.

Orochimaru's Daughter: Life in Konoha 2 (Completed/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now