Long Time No See

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I walked through the village gates. Naruto and Sakur had been summoned to the Hokages office as soon as we got there, Shikamaru had somewhere to go, Lee was going off on another mission after his wounds were treated, Sai was going to train, leaving me on my own to train. 'Good, I prefer it that way' I thought. I looked up and stared into his sharp, black eyes. 'Still has that cute face' I thought.

"I take it the mission went well?" he asked curiously. 

"Yep" I replied. Neither one of us moving. He made a move towards me, but I stopped him. My arms wrapped around him in a tight hug. His body tensed slightly, I had suprised him, but then he relaxed.

"Well someone missed me, can't do with out me I guess" Kiba chuckled, his arms warpping around me.

"Shut up dog-boy, your ruining the momment" I whispered. He laughed softly and brushed my dark hair back. 'Oh yeah, I was going to die my hair blue' I remembered. 

"I'm not a dog-boy" he chuckled. Akamaru barked loudly beside him. 'Jeez, I hadn't realized before how big Akamaru had gotten' I thought. I pulled away, my cheeks felt like they were on fire. 

"Have you seen Tiger lately?" I asked. Before I left the  village I had a small little cat that went with me while on missions. The poor thing had been starving when I found her.

"Tiger? Oh you mean that demon cat you had? Psshhh, same think like Akamaru that thing you called a pet is the same size" Kiba said. 

"Tiger was not a thing she was a kitten!" I shot back and put my hands on my hips. He dramaticaly rolled his eyes, "Yeah, well that kitten of yours is nearly the size of a tiger!" he complained. I started walking back to my apartment with him walking beside me.

"So what are you doing today?" he asked.

"Thought I was going to train, work on chakra control" I told him, but I didn't tell him everything.

"Chakra control, borring" he mutered. 

"Well see you later" I said waving, before I could turn away and walk up the stairs it was his turn to catch me by suprise. His lips found mine for a brief second, before pulling away. 

"See you later" he said and walked away. My lips tingled from the kiss. For sure I had missed him, a lot more than I realized. 'I should try and make training as quick as possible' I thought. I grabbed the scroll and hurried into the forest outside the training field. I sighed softly. 'Did I really wanted to see him? The king of snakes?' I thought. He was the only one though that could train me unfortunantely. I hesitantely opened the scroll I'd recieved four years ago. The swirl pattern was the same before with the symbol in the center of it. It was slightly dusty from not being used for so long. I bit my thumb and traced the swirling pattern with my blood. Like before it glowed and the spiral lifted off the scroll in the form of a snake. Its mouth opened and out came a figure onto the scroll. It wasn't who I expected though. Rather than the pale, dark haired man that I hated so much it was someone else. The spikey, ash-grey haired boy with the onyx colored eyes.

"Well if it isn't Yumi, long time no see" he said looking up at me with a faint smile. 

"In need of more training I take it?" he guessed easily. 

"Yeah" I replied with a blank tone.

"Well I wonder what I can teach you now" he said.

I replied quickly, "Where's father?" I asked.

"Training his next vessel" he answered. I frowned, he means Sasuke. 

"I'm sure I could see about ending his training early" Kabuto suggested, shrugging. I sighed softly, 'Am I ready to face my father?' I wondered. I closed my eyes trying to find the answer within myself, but was coming up blank. 

"He still cares for you, and doesn't want to hurt you, you know" Kabuto said with a serious tone. 'Yeah well he unleased the three-tails within me' I thought, remembering. 'I'd nearly killed my friends. I'd also nearly killed Kiba' I thought.

"I guess I'll be going now" Kabuto said turning to disappear into the scroll. 

"Wait, fine. Tell him I need him to train" I said. I could tell Kabuto was smirking. Shoot, if he weren't my fathers right-hand man I'd knock that sly grin off his face. He disapeared into the scroll, and a momment later the snake on the page spat out a pale man with dark hair. Without turning to face me, he spoke, "Such a shame my own daughter looks at me with such cold eyes" he said. I didn't reply to my father Orochimaru.

"I suppose it's time to train. We should begin with ninjutsu and chakra control" he said. 'Just like old tines' I thought. Chakra control and ninjutsu always came first. 

"Father I need help on other things. Like controling the three-tails" I said. His eyes narrowed, I could tell what he was thinking. Yes, it would definetely be dificult to conrol the tailed beast, but I need to if I were to defend my village.

Orochimaru's Daughter: Life in Konoha 2 (Completed/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now