Half Loved ~ Chap 15: The Aftermath

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Hey guys! SUP?? I know I know :P Haven't uploaded in a while :P

Got really dang busy! Anyway, I have this sorta kinda like a filler chapter :P 

Just saying, I'm gonna have a project with my favorite Pineapple, @RainbowsAreAwesome hahaha ;) Watch out for it! 

Oh, and hi to my new Buddy, @TeeganJ1998 lol XD

Well, just wanna share this with you guys, I've actually been saddened by the death of one of my extra special friends on here, @JensonisonFIRE... He died last August 26 and I found out when I noticed he wasn't replying as much... He helped me through a lot of things and it's such a waste to lose such a great, humble, and sincere friend such as him. Curse the guy who stabbed him. Jenbear, wherever you may be, I hope your happy :) Rest in peace :) You will always be remembered.

So yeah, here's the new chap! Please do like, add to your library, COMMENT! I do love comments haha XD and Vote! Love you guys! ;)


~Chapter 15: The Aftermath~

~Cam’s POV~

“Dude, why are you wearing a skirt?” Tyler asked.

Whoa. That was unexpected. He’d go around missing for a whole day and then he’ll magically pop up from an old vent and appear in a skirt. That damn Carter...

“Sheesh, Root beer!” Tyler said as he pulled up Carter in a tight bear hug. “Don’t you ever go missing again!”

“Gahh... Tyler! You’re strangling me!” he said as he pretended to gag.

“Tell me about it. I’m starting to think you ran away.” Liam said as he put an arm on Carter’s waist.

“Oh no mister, I got enough contact from you for a while.”

“Why? It’s not like we’ve even had s—”

“Okay, that’s enough for my ears you pervert.” Tyler said as he pulled Carter away from him.

“Well who knew? You were there all along!” Rose said a little too innocently. “I better get to my post now. Curfews gentlemen! Curfews!” she said as she stormed past us.

“Okay? Why’s she so jittery?” Tyler asked.

“Beats me.” Liam shrugged. “All I wanna know is why this sexy little minx over here is displaying those killer legs.”

“Shut up Liam.” Carter grumbled as he met my eyes. He suddenly became all tense and shifted uncomfortably under Tyler’s arms.

“So, where have you been?” I said with a raised brow.

“And why are you wearing a skirt?” Liam pushed.

“Well, yeah, I wanna know about that too.” Tyler added in curiosity.

“Ugh, one question at a time guys!” he said with obvious frustration.

“Fine, then answer the most important one first. Do you even know how hard it was to look for you? Sheesh Carter!”

“Okay okay! I’m sorry!” he said, flushing a dangerous red.

“Hey are you okay?” Jace said, walking over to him. “You look like you’re gonna faint.”

“No, I’m fine. I just need some water. Still have a hangover that’s all.”

“Here.” Jace said, handing him a water bottle from his pocket. What the heck? Who carries a water bottle in his pocket?

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