Half Loved ~ Chap 7: Root Beer Reunion

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Hey guys! Couldn't wait another day for an upload of Half Loved :P

WARNING though, this chap may include a little chlidish naughtiness, so yeah, you've been warned! LOL Nothing big though hhaaha :P

Anyway, poor Andy, I pity him in this chap LOL 

So yeah, pic on the right is of Tyler! He's played by Kellan Lutz --------------------->

Hope you enjoy this chappy! Dedicated to one of my best buds on here! We've lost each other for a while but with my inborn clover leaf luck, I found him again! Yippe ;) Thanks for being such an awesome Buddy Blazey, this one's for you! ;)

Message, comment, like, fan, add to your library or even VOTE! Thanks guys!

See you soon :D


~Chap 7: Root Beer Reunion~

~Andy’s POV~ 

I was running late for chemistry today since I stayed with Cam and Liam to ask our math Geometry teacher about the assignment. Who knew they’d get along so well? Well, I’m glad they do, cause little by little, Cam’s starting to loosen up a bit—not that I appreciate the silence, but sometimes, it’s just a little awkward— and though I’m not really appreciating Liam’s flirtatious advances on me, I can say that my stay here has been good so far. Oh well.

I found my way to Julienne Bourbon’s with the aid of a map I got from Rose. I like her. She’s like a really cool assistant—not that I see her as an assistant—that can be counted on as a friend. With her trusty map, I found out that the chemistry lab was located at the science building which was exactly... oh, here. Yup, I’m here already. I climbed up the stairs and hoped that I wasn’t gonna be late.

Surprisingly, I wasn’t. Oh wow, thank goodness I managed to bring my luckiness with me when I phased. Okay? If that’s even possible. Well, it’s a good thing I’m not late yet. Am I? Behind me, a couple of guys were carrying some chemicals in a tray, I offered to open the door when I hit someone else.

“Oh fudge.”

“Oh crap I’m so sorry!” I said as I looked at the guy.

You’ve got to be kidding me.

“Rootbeer?” he said disbelievingly.

“You again?”

“Yeah, and this again.” He said jokingly as he looked at his now wet shirt.

“Oh crap. That again. What chemical was that? Is it poisonous? Shoot. This is a mess.” I said as I stumbled for my hanky again.

“Nah, no need for that.” He winked as he caught my hand. “I’ll just take my sweater off, no big. Besides, it’s just alcohol.”


He set the tray on a nearby table and took of his sweater. I don’t know why I was even surprised to see that he had a great body when I could already tell that he’s well built. But damn, when his shirt clung to the sweater, it probably showed the world’s eighth wonder. He looked like a freaking Calvin Klein model for crying out loud! I was still awestruck from all my ogling when he cut me off.

“Uhm, Root beer?” he said with both the sweater and the shirt on his head, exposing that perfect washboard abs and chiselled chest.

“What?” I said, startled by his muffled voice.

“A little help?”

“Oh yeah.”

So much for killer model. He looked like a freaking child with that tangled sleeves of his. It doesn’t help that he has these adorable dimples on his cheeks. He looked like a cuddly teddy bear. I can’t help but let a laugh escape my lips as I helped him remove his shirt.

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