Float ⚓ Twenty Eight

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float ⚓ twenty eight

*years later, in the realm that lies between life and death, a lifeless, ghost-like Seth floats into Limbo*

To Eliza (a last remark):

I remember once when I was young and I was coming back from a certain place—I'd been stealing again, because I needed the money. I was on a subway. And there was a girl sitting across from me and she was wearing this dress that was bottoned too high. She was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. And I was shy then, so when she would look at me I would look away. Then, afterwards, when I would look back, she would look away.

Then, I got to where I was gonna get off—and got off—the doors closed, and as the train was pulling away, she looked right at me and gave me the most incredible smile. It was awful. I wanted to tear the doors open. And I went back every night, same time, for two weeks. But she never showed up. I don’t think that there’s a day that goes by that I don’t think about her. I didn’t want that to happen again. And so I went there day after day,

until I saw you. Sitting there, looking nervous. I approached you, you told me you were running away from home. I told you the same thing. Because it was true. And when I asked you to run away with me, you laughed and said okay.

And even though we realised that our love was a strange kind, because you were never really mine at all, and that there was a darkness on the edge of town and no light but 'black' at the end of our tunnel,

I promise you Eliza, I never loved another the way I did you.



T  H  E    •    E  N  D

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