Serendipity ⚓ Two

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Serendipity ⚓ two

          I remember the first time you made me do it, do you remember? I wasn't sure about myself back then, all I wanted was to make you happy. As we sat on a bench in the city, the sun was setting slowly, as slowly as our hearts were beating and you turned to look at me sincerely. I remember wanting to melt under the heat of your gaze and I also remember wondering how I had managed to ruin my life so irreversibly.

          Over there. You said quietly, lifting your head to the right. There was a moment of innocence where I turned my head in your direction and admired a couple kissing on another bench. Looking back at you, I smiled and giggled slightly. 

          But you stared at me blankly and guided my head toward the large handbag beside them, I was clueless. There, baby girl. Do you want to make me happy? You whispered. And of course I wanted to make you happy, all my life I had never managed to make my a soul happy and here you were, a lovely, smiling boy: someone who wanted me to make them smile. It felt exciting, rebellious, it felt like everything that was wrong with the world and I was thrilled.

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