Serendipity ⚓ Six

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serendipity ⚓ six

          The first time I saw you, you were picking at the dirt in your nails at the train station. To be honest I had planned to get straight on a train and go where it led me. I sat on the bench you were sitting on and acknowledged how young you looked. 

          I later learned that you were here to run away as well, however, you had been running for years and I had just began my journey. There we sat, a nineteen-year-old girl and a twenty-something year-old man (you never did want to tell me). It felt surreal to be speaking to someone who possibly understood why I was doing some of the things I did.

          Because I was not so sure why I was running, or what I was running from. I might have just been a stupid teenager trying to make a statement, trying to prove a point.

          Where are you going? I remember you asking, or perhaps you had asked something else. The question startles me because I simply didn't know, was I supposed to? 

         AwayI said, from home. You seemed unsure.

          That's very vague. Away from home but where to? The look in your eyes showed knowledge, experience. I shrugged. 

          And out of nowhere you asked me to join you. I scoffed at first, you must have thought I was foolish enough to say yes. But then I was foolish enough to be running away from everything I knew. 

          So I laughed. And you smiled expectantly.

          How amazingly foolish it was to run away with a stranger.

          I loved the idea.

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