Float ⚓ Twenty Six

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floattwenty six

Eliza wake up...wake up. He whispers to me. I stir in my sleep and start to complain but he lays a hand over my mouth.

Shh, don't make noise, he warns, they'll find us. 

My eyes immediately shoot up. They....they'll find us? 

The police...it has to be them. I sit up and start to cry...why, why now when things were looking up for us? Seth tries to coo me, tells me to be calm and all I can do is imagine them taking him away from me...will they take me as well? Will they just arrest him? Oh I don't ever know what I'd do without Seth.

Over here! A man shouts, I gasp and get up, Seth shoves me deeper into the long grass. Torch lights flicker, heart beats pound...I close my eyes and hold onto Seth, who probably thinks I can't feel his heart beat in his chest. 

I can.

I heard movement...here! Come on! I hear running, Seth swears and gets up...

Not thinking, I scream. And he turns around to look at me, and suddenly, I know it's over.

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