Serendipity ⚓ Eight

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serendipity ⚓ eight

          I remember the beach like it was a vivid dream. I had never been to one, and I had never imagined the feel of soft wet sand between my pink toes. You took me there once when I had completely shocked you with the information. I though it extremely romantic and I wish I could say I had fallen in love with you at that moment, but it just wasn't true. I had never fallen in love with you to begin with.

       The sand felt like cotton candy between our toes, the sun pleasantly burning our skin, turning it gold. Our hair a darker shade than usual, eyes sparkling. We used to laugh a lot during that period of time. I'm not sure what set it into motion but we had a lot going for ourselves, we even stayed at a motel for a day, you treated me like I was so special. You were happier than I'd ever seen you and eventually I came to trust you completely, and I suppose we loved  each other the way newly weds do. But everyone knows that the first year of love is the best year, and then comes the problems.

          Well our first year was short lived.

          I don't remember when exactly you had begun to change, but it was somewhere after then and it brought me to my senses. What was I doing? where was I? My family missed me and I had never cared about that.

          You had quickly become the nightmares that slept under my bed, the shadows that crept onto my walls at night. The monsters in my cupboards and their companions. You were looking at me but you no longer saw me. And I became blurred in your clouded vision. 

          I realized I was just your follower, your little bandit. I helped you get what you wanted but never understood that you didn't want me.

          Oh, what had changed?

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