Serendipity ⚓ Ten

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serendipity ⚓ ten

          I woke up and you weren't there. Thinking back on it, you were never really there in the mornings but it still surprised me.

          I searched the room, and asked for you at the front desk of the cheap little motel. Had you for some reason run away? Had you disappeared with my dreams? A part of me was okay with the idea, yet another part of me needed you to take care of me.

          Seth? Seth?!

          I was actually becoming frightened, almost to tears as I sat on the bed and wondered who would pay for the stay? where I'd start with leading a new life. In an instant I heard rushing footsteps. No, it was not the strangers rushing around for lunch outside.

        No, it was not them. It was you and you burst through the room with a smile on your face, but it fell as you watched me cry for the first time. I'm not sure you knew what to do but you came running up behind me.

           Liza? What's wrong why are you crying? What happened? You pulled me up and embraced me, not expecting a reply.

           I will admit, I felt safe in your arms. 

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