Serendipity ⚓ Seven

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serendipity ⚓ seven

          I used to be happy. Of course I did. When I was little I used to wreck my brothers toys with him and I used to play with all of mine. But lately I had lost the feeling of wanderlust in my veins.

          Someone will find us one dayI reminded you one night. It was inevitable and I could leave right then if I wanted to: I had my passport, a bag, and money I had been saving since we had first met. We would be caught and I wasn't stupid enough to not realize it. Your breath hitched because I knew how much it bothered you to hear things you were already aware of.

          But not now, darling. Probably not for a while. You caressed the unloaded gun hidden in your pocket, and counted some more money. Not soon.

         I sat on a bench in a train station somewhere far from home, legs to my chest, crouched at the corner, and you sat beside me. People were walking by and I'm sure they didn't know our story. And we would never know theirs either.

          I had been studying your features. Over time, they had become hard and emotionless. It shocked me sometimes when you would lean in while talking and I would see a surge of emotion in your features.

          You looked dead inside, and I wasn't feeling safe. 

          I suppose I never had.

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