Serendipity ⚓ Twelve

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serendipity ⚓ twelve

          We set off for the world, and at that point I was so blinded by love to realise how stupid we were being.

          I love you. I kept saying in you ear, or was I only trying to convince myself? Was I so happy in that moment, that I dared not say anything questionable? I was trying to avoid conflict but I didn't want to admit it. Our legs moved in unison and the bicycle sped on swiftly.

          We didn't know where we were going, but as little kids with our hearts in the wind, it didn't matter. All we did was peddle in the silence, absorbing the sunlight around us...absorbing the distance between us.

          Something felt misplaced but I couldn't quite place the feeling. Was I missing home? I could turn around and leave, I could do it if I wanted to. I had the ability to stand up, turn to you and tell you I was done proving my point. I missed the smell of my mothers clothes, the taste of her food, the feeling of my fathers kiss on my cheeks. I could have left right at that moment.

         So why didn't I?

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