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or "epilogue"

*10 years later*

2.54 am

Mike stared out the window of the car, his breaths heavy and rhythmical. The car was warm and stuffy, but in a good way.

In the best way. 

Outside the world was enveloped in a deep layer of snow, streetlamps on but the street almost completely empty of people. Everyone was asleep, the whole world was asleep on that early morning of a December Tuesday.

Except for Mike, and the man sitting in the passenger seat side next to him. His husband.

You gave her your sweater, It's just polyester, but you like her better, Wish I were Heather

The soft voice from the radio was the only voice in the car, besides the soft hum of the engine.N either men dared to say a word.

"Ready?" Mike finally asked, looking to the side.

Will stared right back at him, his face white with terror. But his eyes seemed sure as he nodded firmly.

Mike took the key out, muting the song and the engine at once, and opened the door. As he stepped outside he was slapped by the cold winds from all directions, but he didn't mind. The cold wind seemed to wake him up, shake him into the reality of this faithful December Tuesday.

Less than a moment later, he felt a hand slip into his. Will's hand.

He looked up at Will, who was still looking as terrified as he felt. God, how did he manage to look so good even wearing the first clothes he could find, so amazing in a pair of gray sweats and a thick black sweater? His nails were covered with the remains of light yellow nail polish, an it stood out in the dark night.

Mike ran his fingers over Will's, feeling the wedding band press against his own. The feel of the metals slamming together made him even more sure. Made him feel just a bit more ready.

Together they stepped through the doors of the Hawkins Hospital, where at 3 am on a Tuesday of the coldest day either of them could remember, their baby had decided to be born.

5.20 am

Their hands stayed interlaced as they sat in the plastic chairs of the waiting room for hours. 

It seemed surreal. 

years of waiting, going through a million adoption agencies, waiting for someone to pick them. Getting that call, that one woman was pregnant and wanted them to be the fathers of her unborn baby. Waiting 6 whole months, until, just less over an hour ago, they got the final call. 

The kid was coming.

They had both known they wanted kids. Will had always been so good with them, and since Holly grew out of letting him read her bedtime stories Mike realized how much he liked them too. They had started the process almost 6 years ago, even though everyone told them no one would pick such young people.

The terror they were both feeling wasn't one of uncertainty, it was just terror of such a life altering thing, the terror of a dream coming true. 

Mike looked at Will again. Yeah, they had gotten married straight out of high school. Will was his only serious relationship, and he was Will's first kiss. People always told him he was missing out, but Mike wanted to laugh at their face. Missing on what, when he already had everything?

"Mr. Wheeler?" A nurse called from an entrance to one of the rooms, and Mike and Will got up at the same time. Mike always forgot Will had taken his last name, and even enveloped in this completely magical moment. He took a second to bask in this.

Will Wheeler.

"Congratulations. It's a healthy baby girl." The nurse smiled, and Will collapsed into Mike's arms. Mike hugged him tightly, a smile on his face.

A girl. A daughter. He had a daughter.

"Follow me." The nurse said, and headed down a hall. Mike turned to follow her, but Will held him in place for a second.

"I love you," Will said, his eyes glittering with tears and pure joy.

"I love you too," Mike smiled, and kissed him quickly- and they headed after the nurse.

5.34 am

Finally, after a tearful thanks to the exhausted biological mother, Mike, Will, and the nurse were alone in the room.

The nurse was carrying their baby wrapped in a soft blanket, whom she softly lied down in Will's arms.

Mike put his arm on Will's shoulder, and they stared at the beautiful baby in his arms. Just as he looked at her, she opened her eyes and stared straight into his.

As ridiculous as it sounded, their non-biological baby had Will's exact eyes.

The moment she looked at him, all his terror evaporated into pure happiness. She was perfect. Absolutely perfect. She was the last thing missing from their already perfect life.

"Hi," Will whispered, sticking his finger in front of the baby- who grabbed it tightly with her whole fist. Mike felt tears streaming down his own cheeks. They were a real family. 

"Do we have a name yet?" The nurse asked from behind them.

"Yeah," Mike said. Will turned a confused gaze to him, cocking his head to the side slightly. They had options, but the moment he saw her Mike knew exactly what her name had to be. It wasn't in their options, but it just had to be it.  

"Hazel. Her name is Hazel".

T H E     E N D

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