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or "broken nose and oversized hoodie"



3.20 pm

"Now that you ate everything in my house and completely destroyed my kitchen, what do you want to do?" Mike asked sourly, staring at the mountain of pans and pots on the sink and flour stains on everything from walls to the ceiling. THE CEILING.

Dustin and Lucas were sitting at his desk, eating the pasta with meatballs they had insisted on making, much to Mike's protests. He didn't even know where the flour had come from- His stomach turned just thinking of the cleanup job he had.

"Do you have any dessert-?" Dustin started, but Mike cut him off.

"You're not getting anymore of my food, man. We'll order pizza when the rest come."

"But we're hungry!" Lucas exclaimed, went up to the fridge and opened it. Before Mike could protest he grabbed a bottle of whipped cream and shot it straight into his mouth, and then threw it to Dustin who did the exact same thing.

"Pigs," Mike called, and Lucas winked at him.

"Let's just go downstairs," he sighed in defeat. The three boys walked to the basement, each picking a couch and lying down with a groan. Dustin turned on the television, threw Lucas a controller and the two started browsing through Mike's Xbox games. Mike looked at the table where they used to play D&D- he wondered when was the last time they played.

They never really decided to stop, it just fizzled out somehow. Mike sort of missed it, though he'd never say it to his friends.

Or maybe he just missed being a kid.

He took out his phone, going back to his Instagram. The momentarily distraction passed, and he was back to his state of worry. He went back into his inbox, and started refreshing again. 

Why hadn't she answered yet? Should he send another text?

"Dude, you're up," Dustin said. Mike looked up, and he was handing him the controller, "Lucas destroyed me."

"Um- you guys can keep playing, I'm good." Mike answered, distracted. Like he wanted to play fucking Fifa right now.

"Fine, you addict," Dustin said, kicking Mike's leg, and went back to his game.

Mike ignored him. Should he ask Dustin and Lucas for advise? He almost laughed out loud at his own stupidity. What did they know- Dustin, who didn't seem to even care about girls (unless they were movie and video game characters), and Lucas, who couldn't get a girl to like him no matter how hard he tried?

over Lucas and Dustin's yelling, he heard franctic knocks on the door.


Thump Thump.

Thump Thump Thump Thump-

He groaned, sitting up.
"I think there's someone at the door," He said. His friends didn't seem to hear him. Was it the rest of the group? They had scheduled to met at 6!

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