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or "vodka juice"



Will stood with his mouth slightly open, just gawking at the guy.

He was tall, much taller with Will (Even with the heels). He was extremely skinny, with the highest cheekbones and the sharpest jawline Will had ever seen. He wore a grey button-up shirt tucked into a pair of high-rise bluejeans- not fashiony like the other teens around, but simple and elegant nevertheless. He had a mess of black curls that covered some of his forehead and dark eyes that glittered slightly in the dim club lights.

"Is everything okay....?" The stranger said, smiling a nervous smile. Will realized he had been staring at him for way too long, and he still hadn't answered his question....

"Umm-" Will tried gathering his thoughts, trying to figure out what to answer. He didn't want to seem uncool, he wanted to say some kind of alcohol but his mind couldn't settle on a kind or whether to tell the truth and he was running out of time...

"vodka juice," He finally muttered, and blushed a deep red.
Vodka juice, Will? really?? He wanted to kick himself.

"What?" The boy yelled, and Will exhaled in relief; maybe he hadn't heard him over the music.
"Orange juice!" He yelled back. The boy smiled a dazzling smile.

"pass it on!" He called, and Will obeyed. While passing the carton, their hands touched the slightest touch. Stupid as it was, Will felt as if a current of electricity passed through them and almost dropped the juice.

The boy poured some into a cup, and sipped on it slowly. Will just stood awkwardly, playing with the edges of his fake nails; his eyes scanned the dance floor for his friends... 

It's not like he wanted to get away from this handsome stranger, on the contrary; it was just, he was too awkward to think of anything else to say.

"It's so loud in here, do you maybe want to go outside?" The boy yelled, and Will nodded only too eagerly.

Together they started their way to the exit, not talking. When they were just about to reach the doors of the club, Will spotted Max and Jane all the way by the drink table. The look on their faces was so shocked he couldn't help a small smile.

Jane had dropped her cup, and Max's mouth was open so wide she looked like she was about to swallow the whole table.

He made eye contact with them, and winked before turning away. 

He would have never dared to go off into the night with a handsome boy, but being Hazel just made him feel like he could do anything- so, with a swift push of the double doors, Will and the dark haired boy stepped outside.

1:07 am

As soon as the doors swung close, the music of the club was muted almost completely. The boy, without missing a second, walked casually to a bench and sat down, patting the spot besides him. Will didn't hesitate, he walked after him and sat down.

The bench was big enough so they could both sit comfortably, but small enough that their legs were slightly touching. Will felt his leg cover with goosebumps, and pulled his dress down awkwardly. He really wished it was longer...

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