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or "Will"



Mike was sort of dumbfounded.

He... he had fallen for Will twice. He hadn't really thought about it like that, so focused about the profound wrong of his actions he had forgot to look past it...

He had fallen for Hazel, and then he had fallen for Will. He had liked Hazel even though they had only met once, and Will was enough to make him realize he liked boys. Of course neither were easy, and both took time, but the fact remained that Will's personalty was so appealing to him that he managed to fall for him  twice- both in an less than ideal circumstances.

And even with everything else, that had to count towards something.

 "So maybe you can forgive him? I'm not saying you have to date him again... But we miss our friend," Jane said, looking down.

"It's just..." He flustered, tripping over his words: How could he explain the way it made him feel? "He made me feel like an idiot. How can I-"

"Maybe you can let it go? Focus on the good and forgive him? I think you both suffered enough... You were both so much happier together!" Max said, her voice unusually gentle.

But Mike wasn't listening anymore- because making his way to get food, standing out in a s light pink shirt, his hair shimmering slightly in the broken light coming through the windows, was Will.

And when he saw him again, all his previous claims of anger faded away quicker than he could've imagined. He hadn't seen him in so long, he hadn't imagined how strong all of the feelings he wanted to evaporate would hit again... He hadn't realized quite how beautiful Will was, and quite hoe much he missed him...

Mike looked at Jane and Max, who were studying his expression cautiously.

"So you really don't think I'm an idiot if I go back to him?" He asked, hating that he needed their reassurance- but his voice was as desperate as he felt.

He appreciated that they didn't just answer straight away- they seemed to actually think about it. Finally, Max shook her head decisively. 
"No. I think you'll be really mature if you manage to get past this. Seriously." it was rare to hear such words from Max, and her slight smile made him feel more confidant, even if just a bit.

Jane's nod echoed hers.
"yeah. I think you were happier with him, and I know he was happier with you."

Mike smiled weakly at them, "Wow, you guys are really invested in our relationship. Like creepily so."

They both laughed.
"What can we say? We love seeing our friends happy, even if you guys really were super gross". Max said, and Mike rolled his eyes.

"We were not!" He didn't even see the look of disapproval coming from the two girls, his mind immediately switching to memories of better days, days with Will.

That time when he and Will had made brownies, and about halfway in realized they were both terrible horrible cooks. Long story short, Mike ended with chocolate in his hair, two ruined hoodies, a tray full of burnt brownies and one of the best afternoons of his life.

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