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1:17 am

"Will, start walking with Jane. I'll catch up with you guys really soon," Max said the moment Mike was gone, "I just have something I need to do inside."

She didn't wait for an answer, running after Mike through the doors.

Will walked to Jane slowly, wrapping an arm around her waist in support. She in turn threw her arm against his neck, and they started walking very slowly towards Max's house.

"Sorry I had to cut the party short," Jane said, but Will laughed.

"It's fine- it's not your fault you got hurt." He said. She laughed with him, and hugged him closer for a moment.

"who Would've guessed I'd be dragging Will Byers away from a party?" She said in between laughs.

Will laughed even harder. He really wasn't himself tonight.

Before another moment passed, Max caught up to them, jogging slightly.

She grabbed Jane's other arm, but the brown-haired girl shook her off with a laugh.
"Chill, guys. I just twisted my ankle, I'm fine!"

Max ignored her, grabbing her other arm and forcing it around her own neck.
"Come on, Cinderella- let's go home." She nodded towards the shoe still hanging in Jane's hand.

Together, the three of them started walking down the empty night street.

1:42 am

They stumbled into Max's room, laughing hushed laughs- careful not to wake Max's parents. They weren't even sure why they were laughing, it was just that suddenly everything was funny.

Max closed the door tightly behind them, and fell with a sigh on her bed. Jane hurried to follow, and Will was not far behind. Will knew his friends were tipsy, if not more than that, but even though he hadn't drunk at all he felt drunk too.

In the best way.

For a moment they just stayed lying and laughing their heads off, not saying anything. Will couldn't remember the last time he felt this happy. His head was spinning from pure joy- his heart was full of love and admiration for the two girls lying next to him.

Slowly, the laughter died down. That's when Max rose halfway up.

"Tonight was epic, thanks for coming with," She smiled.

"Are you kidding? Thank you for this!" Will said, jumping to his feet and gesturing to his gorgeous getup. "You guys are the best friends ever."

Max laughed again, moving to sit crossed legged on the bed.
"We just gave you the look, you sold it the fuck out. Who knew Will Byers was such a party animal? I thought we'd have to drag you from the dance floor with our teeth and nails!"

Will laughed, and couldn't recognize his own laughter- so simply happy.

"Who's Will Byers?" He said, twirling one of the curls from his wig and winking. Max and Jane laughed as one.

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