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Mike had a problem.

A pretty bad one, and a pretty embarrassing one for that matter. He had a crush on a girl he met once at a party, a girl who's last name he didn't even know.

Yup. Through texting alone, Mike Wheeler had seriously fallen for the mysterious Hazel. That's how stupid he was.


He hadn't even wanted to go to that party, but since Max was his friend he had to. He had been super lonely and awkwardly standing on the side (Lucas and Dustin had ditched the party) When he saw her.

She was standing on the dance floor, dancing like no one was watching- and it was funny, because everyone was. She wasn't especially bad (or good, for that matter) but there had been something so keen in her enjoyment: She looked like she was having real fun. Her almost- blonde hair was slamming across her face, moving so fast, no one could really see her face.

That and the fact that no one seemed to know who she was just made her the subject of many curious eyes. Mike saw her advancing to the drink table, accompanied by Jane. He saw her pour a cup of Tequila and take a sip, but even from afar he could see her face twisting with disgust, It was kind of endearing- he decided to just go for it.

Mike was never one to just "go for it", but he was so lonely he felt like he had no other real option. 

So he did. Asked her a question about her drink even though he had seen her pour orange juice. The way she blushed and fumbled... vodka juice she finally answered, and when she turned even redder Mike wanted to smile. She had a gorgeous face, really... different. It was hard to explain.

and her eyes.. huge, beautiful Hazel eyes, staring up at him. When she gave him the juice, he felt some tinkle, stupid as it sounds. He had to ask her to go outside, and when she agreed he almost passed out. 

And the conversation... She was perfect. They just clicked, it just worked- that never happened to Mike. He had so desperately wanted to kiss her, but then Max came...

He was so amazed when he managed to get her Instagram, and even more amazed she answered his messages.  Their text conversations, frequent and amazing, just made him more sure of what he knew in the party: he really liked this girl- like a lot.

And last week,he had finally worked up the courage to tell  her what he felt. 

The thing was- she still hadn't responded.

9.13 am

He sat in bed, refreshing his Instagram over and over again. Still no response. Why wasn't she answering? She had seen the message, as the little "seen" under his text had told him. And he kept texting her, kept writing her new messages even though it was pathetic by now. 

She never answered. 

He was a nervous wreck, hadn't slept well for a while. A few days, but today was especially bad. He had told his mom he felt bad and skipped school, and sat in bed and Just refreshed the screen over and over again, waiting for some kind of response. His whole head was burning with embarrassment and exhaustion. 

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