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or "on the bleachers"



He found Will sitting on the bleachers.

He was picking at the food on his plate, moving the peas around as he stared down. He was wearing large white headphones, the kind Mike knew he rarely brought to school, and he was completely alone.

It made Mike sad to see it. 

Was this how he'd spend every lunch at his old school? It killed Mike to know that it was his fault that Will was experiencing this. He mentally kicked himself in the stomach, annoyed that it had taken him that long to get over his childish anger. Even if he was mad at Will, he shouldn't have kicked him out of the group chat. He shouldn't have turned the whole group against him.

As he stepped closer, he started to see more details in Will's appearance: light pink blouse lying next to him on the bench, dressed in a short sleeved white t-shirt with a butterfly on the chest- the small glitters composing it reflecting the sun and making the boy look almost like he was a sun ray himself.

His light brown hair, his light eye makeup. The small birthmark on his neck. He was just so- Will.

His eyes, the hazel eyes Mike had thought about since before he even knew belonged to Will. His perfect Hazel eyes, that made Mike's stomach dance a little every time. Even just seeing him from afar, he was filled with nothing but affection and love.

He wasn't mad anymore. Maybe he never was.

"Hey," A soft word as he stood above Will, watching his eyes shift from the tray to Mike's face. Watching the surge of emotions that spread through them over the span of a second before settling into a careful surprise.

He sat down next to Will as the brunette removed his headphones. They had left his hair a bit messy- cute. 

How could I have ever thought I was straight? He asked himself as he looked at Will, so beautiful under the sun. How could anyone be straight with Will in the world?

"Hi," Will replied. He put his headphones on his knees and crossed his hands on top of them, his fingers drumming with unease.

"So." Mike said. Sitting like this with Will, all his previous thoughts of how to start a conversations deserted his mind. literally all he wanted was to just wanted pull Will in for a kiss- he missed his lips, he missed having him so close to his body- but he knew this time actions won't suffice. This time they had to talk.

"So," Will echoed. Mike saw the way the brunette's eyes were fixed on his face, studying him. Will was nervous.

"Look, I'm sorry-" Mike started, but Will cut him off.

"No, Mike, you have nothing to be sorry about... It was me, I shouldn't have... well, you know. I'm sorry."

Mike shook his head, turning to face Will completely.

"Yeah, what you did wasn't okay, but I owe you an apology too. I shouldn't have blocked you, that was a real dick move, I was a real asshole and you didn't deserve my reaction. I know you weren't trying to hurt me, and I should've just took your apology and moved on."

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