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or "12.53 pm"



Mike tried to shake her out of his mind. 

Will. Think about Will. 

It actually wasn't too hard... because the moment Will came into view, all his previous thoughts came back.

He had vaguely noticed before, caught in the stress of the test, but Will was dressed really well today. He was wearing long pants, checkered with red and white squares. The pants were matched with a tight black shirt, a simple shirt, tucked into his pants with a belt. He had a simple black satchel hanging from his shoulder- And that's it. simple, elegant. He looked incredible 

"Hey," Will smiled, setting his beg down and sitting in front of Mike.  His red eye shadow seemed more prominent now, and it paired with his outfit perfectly. He looked like a character from a movie.

"Thanks for saving me in the test today. I really owe you one," Mike said truthfully. Will's smile widened.
"Of course! It's really fine," He returned. Mike smiled back, captivated by him... He couldn't stop looking at his pretty face, at his glittering eyes staring straight into his from above his still bandaged nose...

My guy pretty like a girl, and he got fight stories to tell, I see both sides like Chanel...

Mike practically jumped, looking to the side. The sudden song was so fitting to his thoughts it was honestly scary. Where it did come from?

He looked to the side: he had completely forgotten about the rest of his friends- and his friends, being who they are, were doing a tiktok.

"You're not serious, are you?" Mike asked. They looked absolutely ridiculous: everyone trying to fit in Max's phone, standing in the middle of the cafeteria and dancing. If that wasn't bad enough, Lucas and Max were the only one who could actually dance it. The rest looked absolutely lost, and Dustin had just dabbed.

"Come on, do it with us!" Lucas laughed, gesturing to them.
"Yeah, Will! We all know you're the king of renegade!" Jane added. Will blushed deeply.
"Umm- I'm going to use the bathroom," He said, getting up.

Mike sort of stared at his pity-inducing friends while Will left the table. He was kind of thrown by how invested he had been in Will's face, so much in fact that everything else faded... How when he thought about Will, he didn't feel sad about Hazel or anything else. About his brown hair, about his two front teeth that were just a bit bigger than the rest of them... And how that made him even cuter.

"Is everything okay?" Jane asked, and suddenly they were all looking at him. He realized he had jumped to his feet, and was standing behind the cafeteria table clutching it with both his hands.

"Yeah," He said, "I'm going to the bathroom too."

Jane shrugged, and he turned to the bathroom. 

Aren't you the guy who, tried to, hurt me with the word goodbye?  

He heard behind him as the cafeteria noises faded.

12.53 pm

He still didn't know what he would do when he got to the bathroom. He just needed something, someway, to figure out how he felt about Will- or he'd go crazy. 

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