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or "pretty stranger"



As the next week progressed, Will couldn't really stop thinking about the party- the drag.

He couldn't believe he was actually going to do it- it seemed so wild, so crazy- and he was definitely neither wild or crazy. It just seemed so cool: Will didn't always love himself, so getting to be someone completely different for just one night just seemed so awesome. He couldn't believe the idea had never crossed his mind before.

He was both excited and terrified, but admittedly he couldn't wait until the party came.

He wasn't sure what Jane and Max were thinking, if he should've peppered something or bought something, they had been completely silent about the idea since Max had brought it up.
And it's not like they didn't get a chance to talk: it was the end of summer vacation, so they hung out inherently every minute of every day. 

Will was just too embarrassed to bring it up.

10.38 am

It was the day before the party, and Will was scared maybe Max was kidding. Maybe they had forgotten all about that late night suggestion. Did he have the courage to ask them about it?

"So are you going to Max's party tonight, sweetie?" His mom asked, and he looked up from the eggs on his plate he had been moving around aimlessly with his fork.
"Yeah, I- I think so," he answered, smiling at her faintly. She returned the smile, except hers was bright and full of cheer.

"I'm glad, you'll get to meet some of your new classmates!" she said, but his smile remained light and unpromising. Without the promised haven of a costume, would he find the strength to go? It was almost funny how it was scarier for him to go as himself than in drag.

He picked around his plate a little more, until he heard his phone beeping. He ignored it: no phones at the breakfast table. But the beeping persisted, again and again and his mom must have seen him looking at the device because she told him he could check it.

Text from Max: Shoe size ASAP.

followed by many more:






I need an answer


He laughed to himself, sending her the size. She replied immediately with the thumbs up emoji, followed with an order to meet them at her house at 4.30 pm sharp.

 He texted the thumbs up back, and put his phone down. For the rest of the meal he was too excited to listen to his mother talking: why did she need his shoe size or him to meet her so early? 

Did it mean it was happening?

4.31 pm

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