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or "pink hair clip"



The last week of the summer break always goes by fast, but this year it was just crazy.

One minute everything seemed so far away, and the next it was the night before and Will was scrambling to find empty notebooks and clean his book-bag.

He had been texting with Mike so much that week it was kind of crazy. Any time he spent away from Jane and Max was spent sending messages to Mike, and after a while he'd even skip their hangouts to talk to Mike.

They would DM until the smallest hours of the night, talking about nothing and everything. Talking about shitty movies and shitty fathers, the best video games and the best siblings. Their conversations ranged from completely casual to very intense, and the tone could shift in less than five minutes.

Will loved talking to Mike. He couldn't determine how many times he blushed or laughed audibly from something Mike wrote. He knew it was extremely dumb- but Will was really starting to like Mike. Like, like Mike. He really couldn't wait to see him at school...

And yes, Will knew Mike didn't know him, that the curly haired boy still thought he was some girl named Hazel who lives in Chicago. 

But he just really wanted to see Mike again, Desperately so. Even if he couldn't actually talk to him... He just wanted to see the face behind the scree again.

7.44 am

Will looked in the mirror, taking a deep breath. This was it. Junior year, new school.

He had carefully picked his outfit about three days prior: if there was something he had learned in his old school, it was that he did NOT want to stand out.

His clothes were picked just for that- maximum neutrality. Something so basic, eyes could slip off him in the hallway without looking back again. 

A pair of blue jeans, a black T-shirt, a brown-grey pullover, old converse- his go to.

Will's clothes were always just a bit too big and just a tad faded: exactly the way his phone was always a few models old. Everything he owned either belonged to his older brother or was bought at the thrift store at the mall. Will didn't mind, but just for a moment he wished his jeans were just a tad less tattered and maybe he didn't have to roll the sleeves of his pullover quite so much.

But he shook those thoughts right out of his head- after all, his mom was doing the best to provide for him, he needed to be grateful. Besides, he reminded himself, oversized clothes are perfect for fading in.

It was just- this look just seemed so boring now, so dull- all his clothes did after Hazel. It's not like he wanted to be a girl, he was sure he wasn't transgender, but he just missed the glamour of the outfit, the makeup.

He brushed his light brown hair a bit more. It was a bit long and shaggy now.. Probably time for a haircut...

But Will kind of liked it when it was too long. 

He took a big breath, looking side to side as if nervous someone was watching him, and opened the small drawer on the bottom of his closet. He pushed some old sketch-books and old toys aside until he found the little butterfly shaped box.

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