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or "girl's section"



Over the next month, Mike and Will started hanging out more and more. It turns out Mike and his friends, Lucas and Dustin (a really sweet curly haired boy who was weirdly obsessed with nougat) were pretty good friends with Jane and Max. They ate lunch with them everyday.

For the first time in his life Will had a group. Yesterday, he was even added to a groupchat. Maybe not such a big deal to most people, but as Will had exactly two groupchats (one with Jane and Max, and one with his mother and brother, Jonathan) It was pretty cool.

He also kept sitting next to Mike in Advanced English, and sometimes they'd talk over the teacher. But it was casual, small talk. It was weird for Will, since everyday after school they'd talk about the deepest things on Instagram.  He really wanted to get closer to Mike in real life too, but didn't know how to.

It's not like the texting world was perfect either: Since that first FaceTiming offer, Mike kept asking to faceTime, or talk on the phone. Will obviously couldn't do that, but it was getting harder and harder to avoid it. Once, when he really didn't how to answer, he ignored Mike for three whole days- until Mike started a whole new conversation. 

Those days had been tough, since he was hardcore crushing on the dark-haired boy. Like, creepily so. 

Mike, with his freckled nose and bright smirk, Mike who's 5'10 were just tall enough so that Will had to tilt his head up slightly to talk to him.

Mike, who was now officially the main (Sometimes only) thing in Will's head.

5.34 pm

Will passed his mother, sitting in the living room, on his way to get a soda. He was listening to a song in full volume, so it took him a minute to realize his mom was talking to him. He removed his earbuds, smiling at her.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

"I asked you to come talk to me!" Joyce called, smiling at her son. He did, leaning on the sofa. 

"So, how was your day?" She asked after a second of silence.
"Not bad," He said. 

"Anything special happened?" 

"Not really." Mike's leg touched mine when he sat down in Advanced English and stayed touching mine for a few seconds and when he noticed he put his arm on my shoulder to apologize and I almost got an honest to god erection, because I'm an idiot and I have the biggest gay crush on him. Did I mention I was gay, mom? he added in his head.

"wow, don't talk so much! I can't keep up," She teased, and he shrugged. He just didn't have anything to say (That wasn't about the way Mike's eyes looked when the sun hit them at lunch).

"Fine, you're dismissed. " She sighed, and he laughed. He turned to the fridge again, but-

"wait, Will!" he turned back, sighing. He really wanted to just get the soda and get back to his daydreams.

"Sweetie, your shirt is completely ripped on the back," She said. Shit, he had forgotten to wear his jacket. He knew the shirt was ripped, but it was the only t-shirt he had that still fit him well... and it was a nice shirt, from american eagle. It was expansive. He hadn't wanted her to know! 

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