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1:04 am

Mikey_Mike: You can't be serious

1_Hazel_1: Whattt it's not that weird

Mikey_Mike: no it's not weird at all

Mikey_Mike: I just didn't think u were the kind of girl to have Reese's as a fav candy

1_Hazel_1: And why is that?

Mikey_Mike: idk i just thought u'd like something fancy like butterfingers or smthing

1_Hazel_1: I don't know weather to be offended or disgusted

Mikey_Mike: Why??

1_Hazel_1: ur kidding


Mikey_Mike: Okayokay!!! sorry

Mikey_Mike: I still think crunch is the best 

1_Hazel_1: Well thats because youre uncultured

Mikey_Mike: 😓

1_Hazel_1: I'll forgive u tho

1_Hazel_1: at least you didn't say like nerds or something

1_Hazel_1: bc I think if a candy doesn't have at least some chocolate in it it's not a real candy

Mikey_Mike: THANK YOU

1_Hazel_1: oof I really want candy now

Mikey_Mike: righttt

Mikey_Mike: debating raiding my sister's secret stash

1_Hazel_1: omg u totally should

1_Hazel_1: we literally have no candy whatsoever when I tell my mom I feel like something sweet she says eat a dried fruit

Mikey_Mike: 🤮🤮

Mikey_Mike: You should totally come to my house- I promise you can have as much candy as you want

1_Hazel_1: I should really log off and get some sleep I have to wake up for school in a few hours

Mikey_Mike: hey before you go can I get serious for a sec?

1_Hazel_1: ofc! is everything okay?

Mikey_Mike: well the thing is- I know its stupid and we live far away and only met once but I really like you... Like a lot. I really want to see u again, I don't mind going to Chicago or you're uncomfortable with that we can face Time or even talk on the phone... I'm sorry If I'm coming on too strong and just so you know I've never ever done something like this, but talking to you has been the best and you're the most incredible person and I really think something good can come out of this, out of us, if we give it a chance:)

Mikey_Mike: what do you think?

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