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or "Sleepover, again"



"So, what are we doing tonight, Mr. Byers?" Mike asked after a few good minutes. Will was still on his lap, but already his hoodie back on(Much to Mike's disappointment). 

"Well..." Will started, putting his head back on Mike's chest, "I  was thinking... What if we had a sleepover?" 

Mike tried to keep his breathing even. He played with a strand of Will's hair. Will had cut his hair a few months back, when it was almost to his shoulders, but to Mike's enlightenment it was almost back to the shagginess he adored. 

A sleepover... they had never done that.
"You know I'd love that, but my mom-" He started, but Will cut him off.

"Actually - my mom is out visiting friends, so we could go to my place... I mean, we don't have to, only if you-" 

It was funny, how even after all this time dating, Will got so shy when offering something. Like he was still afraid of Mike's rejection, even though Mike could never reject him in a million years. Mike stomach burst with butterflies.

"Hey, I'd love that. More than anything." Mike smiled. Will turned around so Mike could finally see his face.

"Yeah?" A smile was forming on his lips, but he was studying Mike's face carefully.
"Of course!" Mike replied, and the brunette's face erupted in the biggest smile. He leaned forward and hugged Mike tightly, that wonderful scent only he had wrapping him like a comfortable blanket.

"But on one condition-" Mike said, pulling Will back: Will's smile started to fade, "I'm the big spoon."

Will laughed, his smile back, "Deal."

11.26 pm

It took a bit longer than anticipated to leave Mike's house.

First, his mom insisted Will stay for dinner. After dinner, Holly (who seemed to think Will came to the Wheeler house to hang out with her), made Will play dolls with her for about 40 minutes. Mike watched them the whole time, enthralled by Will's patience and gentleness with the little girl.

He never seemed to get bored, never brushed her off or anything. Mike was starting to wonder if Will really had come especially for Holly- but luckily his mom came in telling Holly it was way past her bed time. 

Mike offered to read her a bedtime story, but she insisted Will was the one to read "hungry hungry caterpillar". 

"Hey, I'm your big brother!" Mike argued. He couldn't help the twinge of jealousy her insistence caused.
"But Willy is my friend and he has a nice voice," Holly said, smiling at Will.

"Can't argue with that. Go ahead, Willy," Mike smiled, swallowing his pride. Will winked at him, and read to Holly until her eyes closed.

the walk was long, but finally they were in Will's house, lying on the bed, still in their regular clothes, just staring at the ceiling in silence. Will was drawing circles on Mike's chest without paying attention to his actions, and Mike wondered if he knew how even this simple action made Mike's whole body burn.

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