Extra::: Halloween Special

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We're All Made of Stardust

Halloween Special

This is a Halloween special that mixes two characters who are in my other story "How to Have a Heartbeat." If you haven't read it, then that's fine~! I'm not pressuring my readers of this story to read my other works, I'm just writing them in here so I don't have to make two separate specials for Halloween! Please enjoy. And Happy Halloween everyone. And remember. If you see a person dressed up as a zombie, but looks incredibly convincing and tries to run at you, you will probably die. ^-^


            Reira glanced at the packaging of the spider webs with contempt. The directions said clearly, "Be safe and have fun," but she found that hard to do with what little bits of supplies she had, which bordered to basically none.

            Reira tangled her hands into the fake spider webs and then tried to think of a clever place to put it. No thoughts came to mind, much to her immense sadness. Not to mention by now, through no fault of her own, the webs were all caught in her hair and stuck in her earring.

            Maybe this could be her costume. It wasn't like she could get it out of her hair by herself. This made her sad. She already had a costume picked out and everything.

            But if she had to, then she would. Reira glanced over to the side before she caught sight of a giant bucket of candy. Her eyes widened and all but dialated like a cat ready to attack. In the back of her mind she figured that what she was about to do was selfish but at the moment, like always, she thought with her stomach and her belly gave a loud grumble of anger. ("GO BITCH, GO!" Her stomach cried while an author somewhere typed with immensely wide eyes from lack of sleep)

            Reira was next to the candy instantly, and she quickly put her hand inside the Halloween bucket, her fingers wrapping around the individual candies until she could hold no more. She happily sat down next to the bucket and began the long process of stuffing her face to her heart's content, while defying all laws of physics as her body consumed all the sugar relentlessly with no signs of growing full.

            It didn't take very long for the large piles of candy to be starving for dear life as the hungry boar basically inhaled like oxygen, and still she showed no signs of stopping.

            "Oh my God, it's like the Grinch stole Halloween in here," Ryu commented with a forceful hand over his face. "How do you even...? What? I was gone for ten minutes. Aw, you even ate all my jaw breakers... God."

            Reira looked over at her brother like a cat would look at the owner after doing something wrong.

            "I don't know what you were thinking. There wasn't enough candy here. The children will riot," Reira commented, in her mind assuming all children ate as she did.

            "Reira, I doubt that so much that it hurts," Ryu retorted with monotone bitterness. "You consume more than any human should..."

            "Really? Cause I'm still hungry," his sister replied honestly as she happily pressed a piece of chocolate against her lips. Ryu's eye twitched in return, as if all feeling had drained from his face. "What are you doing?"

            "Trying to find my happy place," he said simply. There was no joy in his tone.

            "Have you found it yet?"

            "Does it look like I did..."

            "I don't know why you're so upset. Goku can eat more than me," Reira said simply, causing her brother to send her a scowl in return.

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