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  Taking in a deep breath as the salty wind blew through my hair, I sighed through my nose and looked out to the rolling waters. We were sailing to Skeleton Island now, an old man Jack found drunk leading the way. The sun was warm and the sky was clear- the perfect weather to sail in. Was the weather that was currently in our favor to be taken as a good sign, or just a mere coincidence of nature?

  Our fight against the governor was near an end, I could feel it. I hoped it would end in our favor, but there was no certainty if Woodes got his hands on the cache currently in Flint and Silver's possession.

  "Think too much, and you'll be lost in thoughts." Charles spoke as he walked toward me. Looking over my shoulder at him, I tilted my head.

  "Think too little, and your head will be empty." Quirking up a brow, I smirked. "Though, I think you're already there."


  "How much further?"

  "Just a little ways out." He replied, leaning against the railing next to me.



  "Restless is all. There's a lot happening, and it truly feels like it's all almost over." I shrugged, looking back out over the water.


  The old man supposedly leading up to Skeleton Island died of a heart attack right on deck. We had yet to reach our destination, but hopes in finishing the journey now lay on the pirate that was told the way by the old man. If he couldn't get us to Skeleton Island, then we'd have to go back, but going back raised the risk of Woodes getting the cache even more.

  That is, if he hadn't already gotten it.


  "Make ready to take on survivors!" Jack called as the ship was rounding a bend in the river. Another ship was on fire, dozens of men were in the water, and it was hard to tell who was alive or not from where I stood. Rushing to the front of the ship, I grabbed Jack's arm and made him look at me.

  "Hold my shit. Think you can do that?"

  "Wha- Why?"

  "Why do you think?" I popped off, dropping my blades into his hands. "I'm going to help."

  "Help? Deana, what are you-"

  "What part of 'help' don't you understand?" Raising my eyebrows at the man, he just gave me a look before rolling his eyes as I jumped over the side of the ship and dove into the water. I was already nearing the first body in the river before the smaller boats had even hit the water. Grabbing the man, I checked to see if he was even alive and found him to be dead.

  Moving him to the side, I swam towards the next one- a survivor this time but barely. He was unconscious and thankfully for him, was floating on his back.

  Hooking my arm around his torso, I dragged him with me to the nearest boat.

  "This one's alive!" I called out, grabbing the boat as the men aboard reached down to drag the man I had out of the water. The boat swayed, but once the pirate was aboard, I swam back out to check the other floating bodies.

  Most of them were dead, shot, or severely burned, but there were still some survivors among them- many of which were barely keeping their heads above water.

  "I'm stuck!" I heard a man cry as he was clinging to a bit of wood. "I'm stuck!"


  "My leg! I can't get it out." He was digging his nails into the wood to keep from going under the water lapping at his chin, and I dove down, feeling around to gauge the situation. The man's leg was tangled in the rope attached to the wood, and I grabbed the only knife I brought with me to cut him loose.

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