Black Angel, Black Pearls

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  "Well, this is a stupid fucking idea." Bonny snarled quietly as we stood in the brothel while the women were cleaning up from the night before.

  "Given the straits we're in, I would suggest there is no such thing. If we don't find a way to earn an income and soon, we will lose what little we have left of a crew. Or worse yet, we will be eaten by what little we have left of a crew." Jack replied. "Wish me luck." The quartermaster then went towards the madam as Vane and Bonny went to a table. There was some food and booze left out, and Bonny grabbed a bottle of rum while Vane picked up a bowl of what could pass as soup.

  "Hold it right there." I stopped the captain, taking the bowl of cold food as I sniffed it. "Oh, good Lord! You were going to eat that?" My nose scrunched up as I turned away. "That looks like pig vomit and smells like rotten ass."

  "I'm starving, what else do you suggest I eat?" Vane rose his brow at me.

  "I'm a fucking cook, give me a minute." I set the bowl back down. "Don't eat that shit. Bonny, don't even try it either." Pointing to the two of them, I then turned on my heel to the whore sweeping the floor. "Oi, where's your kitchen?" She looked a bit confused but pointed it out, and I rolled up my sleeves while walking to the kitchen.

  There was no one inside, so I didn't have to clear it out to work. It wasn't a galley, but it felt good to cook again as I gathered vegetables and pulled out some pans to find a clean one. Tossing potato peels into a bucket, I cursed the knives in the whorehouse kitchen for barely being sharp enough to use.

  When I finished cooking, I served up three bowls and carried them out to the others. I placed one in front of the captain, handed another to Bonny, and then held the last one out to Jack.

  "What's this?" The quartermaster rose a brow.

  "Food. The fuck does it look like? This....This is what stew is supposed to look like. Not this sloppy shit." I raised my middle finger to the bowl left out on the table from the night before.

  "Ah, a cook that cares what their crew eats. How refreshing." Jack sighed before he started to eat. Seeing the other two scarfing it down, I returned to the kitchen to serve my own bowl. The women of the brothel had what was left, and it felt wonderful to have real food in my belly since Eleanor placed a black mark on Vane and his crew.


  "That Guthrie cunt is done." The bald man shouted as he stormed into the brothel with seven other men. He was leading what was left of the crew, and he had a cocky smile. "Have you not heard?" He strut over to Vane, Jack, and Bonny as they sat in the back. I, after growing bored, had climbed into the tree with the snakes and had one of them wrapped around my arm while the large boa was coiled around the branch above me.

  "We've heard." Jack replied as I lazily glanced over from where I sat.

  "Well, then what the fuck are we doing in here?" The man waved his hands.

  "At the moment, I'm remembering what it feels like to have food in my belly." The quartermaster pointed to his plate with his fork. I had made chicken and vegetables for lunch, and I had made enough for even the patrons and the women working. "Care to join us? It was made by our very own cook, Ms. Blake, and it's quite delicious."

  "Jesus, Jack." The man sighed while wiping his forehead. "We're free of her. Free to hunt again. So get off your ass and find us a ship."

  "To assume that we've seen the last of Eleanor Guthrie is, well, not to know her." Jack raised his brows as the captain let smoke rise from his mouth. "The fact that she appears to have Captain Hornigold and his men propping her up only adds to my conviction. Right now, we'd do well to keep our mouths shut, be thankful we have some income from this place, for the moment, and bide our time."

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