Mrs. Guthrie

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  Having my hands under my arms, I was trying to keep as warm as possible with how cold it was. The docks were bustling with crews and other ships, and I faintly heard Jack complaining about docking and departing fees. I only tuned more into his voice when I heard him mocking Max's accent.

  "....what sort of reward might one expect for aiding in the capture for a notorious pirate captain such as say, oh, Jack Rackham? Really? It's that much? Oh, well, what do you know. There he is." He pointed before looking at Max. "You'll stay here. I'd rather take Deana than you."



  "I said okay. Let's go." I shrugged, and Jack seemed to think before shrugging.

  "All right, then. I mean, it couldn't hurt to have the Black Angel backing me, now, could it? Oh, wait, that's right, you're the fucking Black Angel. You'd stick out like-"

  "Relax, Jack. Only my name is well known, not my face, unlike someone." I pointedly glanced at Charles while walking to where Jack was. "Trust me, we'll be fine."

  "....I guess. Let's go, then." Jack sighed. "Fuck, it's cold."

  "No shit. This weather is absurd." I grumbled.


  Snow covered everything, and the streets were filled with people and horses. I could see my own breath in the air, and my toes felt numb as I walked.

  "I can no longer feel my balls." Jack popped off. "No one should live here."

  "You're wrong about her. Max. When that animal, Baringer, was terrorizing her, threatening to kill her unless she agreed to give her connection to the resistance, she refused. She's not crossed anyone, to my knowledge, who hasn't first crossed her." The other man said. "Present company included. Jack."

  "I heard you." He then gestured with his head to the building in front of us. "Deana, try not to say anything stupid."

  "I'd say the same to you." I popped off, and the scrawny man scoffed as we crossed the street.

  "You know, it's just occurred to me how ruined we'll be if I fail to win the man on the other side of that door to our cause. No home. No cache. A ship that can barely sail. And worst of all....he'll have won. Woodes Rogers will sit in Nassau and grow old knowing he was measured against us and proven the better man."

  "So don't fail."

  "Easier said than done." I sighed, going up the snow-covered steps with Jack at my side.

  It was much warmer inside the building thankfully, and we had to sit on a rather small and uncomfortable bench to wait for the man we needed to see.

  "Is it true?" We turned to see a young woman in a shimmering dress standing on the stairs.

  "I'm sorry?" Jack furrowed his eyebrows.

  "That you've come from Nassau?" She smiled, and I just glanced at Jack with a quirked-up brow. "It's true, isn't it?" She seemed giddy as she sat down beside me. "You're one of them? You're a pirate?" She was clearly still talking to Jack, but he said nothing in return. "You are! I hear everyone knows everyone. Even the giants. Will you tell me....did you know Edward Teach?" I scoffed, and her attention turned to me.

  "Grumpy old man, that one." She shifted to face me more with excitement in her eyes.

  "And Jack Rackham? Did you know him, too? I heard a story that Jack Rackham outsmarted Captain Flint to steal a Spanish treasure galleon right out from under him!"

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