Escape Nassau

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  There was continuous pounding on the fort gate followed by a man shouting. He was ranting about bounties and trying to get Jack to let him and his men outside in.

  "10,000 pounds they're paying for Vane's head, Jack! It's just as much for the sea witch, too! Now, I know you ain't got no need for the money, but for fuck's sake, don't be greedy. You and I have known each other for years. It's the least you could do for a friend."

 "Who is he?" Vane furrowed his brows while looking to Jack who shrugged in reply.

  "Look, sooner or later, there's gonna be a 100 more men out here, and this ain't gonna be your decision anymore." The man out there continued.

  "Open it." Jack got to his feet and walked to the doors, calmly drawing his pistol. I saw a flash of a cocky smirk on the man's face outside, but then Jack blew it off when he fired the gun between the other man's eyes. The gates closed, and the scrawny man lumbered back.

  "You recognize him?"

  "What the fuck Jack!" The men outside began banging on the doors again.

  "Paul something or other."

  "Come on, Jack. Let us in."

  "Why just you two?" Bonny questioned. "Island full of murdering, thieving fucks, and you two are the only ones they can't forgive? How does that make any sense?"

  "I don't know." Vane answered. "But whatever the reason, the men behind that door will soon be joined by hundreds more seeking the bounty. In an hour-"

  "We'll be besieged." Jack finished.

  "The men have cast their lots." The man that walked over sighed. "They are resolved that you convince Captain Vane and Deana to depart the fort. They believe that turning them over might convince the British commander to allow them to keep the fort and the gold." I shot a glare to the huddled men, and they quickly turned their backs.

  "Safe to say the fight to defend Nassau is off to an inauspicious beginning." Jack said.

  "Teach is still on the bay. There may yet be a way to salvage some defense."

  "It's over." Jack stated. "It's over. Now all that remains is that we escape this place and survive."

  "All the doors are covered by men seeking the bounty. And I have to imagine the tunnel exits are being watched as well, given Hornigold's familiarity with them."

  "Then I suggest we manufacture a new exit."


  "Did you do it?" Bonny whispered.

  "Yeah. Fuse is lit. In a few minutes, that wall is going to be a lot shorter."

  "Finding it hard to believe there is near enough material in that magazine to cause the sort of damage you seem to think it will." Vane spoke with skepticism.

  "Believe it."

  "I've lost years of my life these last months trying to rebuild this place. I'll be goddamned if the new governor is going to inherit the fruits of all that labor. Not whole, at any rate." Jack replied. "Now, when it happens, we should have a clear path over the rubble. We'll cover your escape to the jetty. It's not going to be easy. The whole island is seeking that bounty."

  "....You plan to stay?" I rose a brow, glancing between Jack and Anne.

  "Teach respects Charles. You'll both sail with him without looking over your shoulders the whole time wondering whether he's gonna back someone else to take your place. But me? I have no interest in living as a target of his."

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