Waking Pt. 1

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  "Captain!" I stirred with the sudden shout and fully awoke when the man next to me jolted up. Groggily looking up, I saw a man that was slightly confused while looking at me as I sat up and kept the blanket covering me.

  "What is it?" Vane nearly growled.

  "It's the girl." He then turned his attention back to the captain. "She's missing from her cell. The guard that had been posted at her door was found unconscious, and we're already searching the fort for her."

  "Get out!" Vane snarled as he swung his legs over the side of the bed and grabbed his pants. "Make sure all the exits are closed and check the surrounding area." The man nodded before quickly leaving, and I jumped out of the bed to quickly get dressed. If they had already been searching for her, then she was more than likely in the tunnels with whoever was helping her escape.

  Grabbing a torch, I didn't even bother to wait for Vane before I was bolting down the hall and going deeper into the bowels of the fort. Seeming to have the same idea, the captain was soon behind me as I hurried around a corner. Reaching a dead end where a rusted gate was, I stopped at who I saw standing there, key in the lock on the other side. 'Fuck.' Was all I managed to think of as Eleanor's wide eyes went from me to Vane.

  The man was utterly quiet, looking to the chain and lock, and then to the girl holding the torch on the other side.

  "I saved your life." Vane said lowly, and from the tone in his voice, I knew.... I knew that the woman he had held so dearly before me had managed to hurt him yet again. "Low and his crew. I killed them all to protect you both."

  "You didn't do it for me." Eleanor shook her head.

  "You will turn on absolutely anyone, won't you?" Vane asked. "So what's the plan? Leave me to answer for this among the men? Assume they'll tear me to pieces for granting access to the woman who stole the girl out from under us? My death sentence? Listen to me clearly. Put down that key, walk back through that gate, return the girl, and I will sort this with the men. You have my word. But lock that gate, and there is no walking back through it, ever. And I assure you, you will hear from me again."

  Eleanor was quiet as she looked at Vane, and as soon as that lock clicked, Vane took the torch from me while hearing men coming down the hallway.

  "If that is your answer, then take Deana with you."

  "What?" I turned on him while raising my voice. "The fuck do you think you're doing?"

  "If the men do not listen to reason and decide my life is to pay for this, Deana will be drug into it." Vane tried to push me towards the gate. "If you get her out of here, I'll tell them I found nothing this way. I will not risk her life for my mistake of trusting you."

  "Charles, I will kick your ass for even thinking I'd leave you to sign your death certificate!" I snarled. "The fuck are you even thinking?!"

  "Deana, just do this, please." And his eyes looked coldly at Eleanor. "If things go as planned, I will find you. I promise you that." Vane said to me. "Now, stop arguing-"

  "Arguing?! You think this is even up for debate?!"

  "I'm sorry, Deana." And guilt flashed in his eyes before he swung a fist, and everything went dark.


  "Oh, fucking Hell." I groaned while holding my jaw as I came to. "I'm going to kill that bastard." I snarled.

  "Unless you truly are a fallen angel, there is no way of doing that if he's already dead." I quickly sat up when I heard the man's voice. The first thing I saw was Captain Flint at a desk, reading some book before I realized I was in what strongly resembled a captain's quarters. My lip twitched up into a snarl, feeling the familiar rocking beneath me that told me we were at sea.

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