⛓Ned Low, Charles Vane⛓

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*WARNING: Mature content ahead, proceed at own risk*
[Contains: Size Difference, Oral Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Hair Pulling, Vaginal Sex, Scratching, Cum]

  It was hot as Hell outside, and I was done working over a fire to make the men's lunch. I had cooked up a few pigs, and we had bread from town to go with it. Those that had already finished eating were working, and I was crouched in the shade with my sleeves rolled up to my shoulders.

  A few of the men had glanced at the ink feathers on my arms, but said nothing and looked away when I shot them a glare. Licking the sweat from my top lip, I debated on going for a swim to cool down or something, but I didn't know of any water that was in a shaded place at least.

  Sighing, I wiped my forehead with my arm, and I quickly looked up when I saw a flash of bright, blonde hair. 'Eleanor?' I thought, seeing the woman strutting into the fort. 'The fuck is she doing here?'

  "Deana!" The man walking with the blonde woman called out. "Why don't you take Miss Guthrie to see the captain?"

  "Why the fuck do I have to?"

  "Because I have work to get back to, and you've already finished your job until dinner." He stated while hooking one of his thumbs behind his belt. "Unless you want to haul my load instead, be my guest."

  "Fuck that." I rose to my feet while wiping my mouth with my fist. "This way." Gesturing with my head, I turned on my heel with Eleanor following behind me as I went inside. It was cooler than in the sun, and I sighed through my nose with relief.

  "So your captain decided to keep you, I see." The woman said lowly as was only a step behind me.

  "Why wouldn't he?" Scooping up my hair, I lifted it off of my neck to let the cool air hit it.

  "Well, I assumed you'd be in the same boat as Jack and Anne." She replied.

  "You mean because of that thing with Hamund?" I paused in my walking while looking at her. "I had no part in that. I would have liked to with how much that bald bastard annoyed me, but Jack got me into reading, and I was busy doing that instead."

  "Reading?" She rose a brow at me. "You were reading while your crew was slaughtered at the wrecks?"

  "Pretty much, yeah." I nodded, turning back to continue walking. "Kind of thankful for it, too. Captain wouldn't have fetched me from that brothel if I had a part in all that, and I'd still be cooking for those nagging whores. Literally."

  "....So it's true then?" Her voice had a strange tone in it.

  "What?" I asked as we passed a torch on the wall.

  "You're the Black Angel. I was a bit suspicious when I heard your boat was called the Petrel and I saw your red hair, but I wasn't sure. You can hardly tell with how sailors spin their stories."

  "Oh, that." I glanced over my shoulder to see her eyeing my tattoos. "Yeah. Tales of me seem to spread without my knowledge, but I guess that's what happens when you spend all your time in a galley rather than on land." Dropping my hair as I turned the corner, we reached the captain's room. "This is it."

  Knocking, I waited for a reply before opening the door and walking in with Eleanor behind me.

  "You've got a gue- Oh, for fuck's sake!" I stared at the ceiling quickly after seeing Vane naked in bed with only a sheet covering his crotch. He was sweaty and lazing there like he was trying to escape the heat from outside as well.

  "Where the fuck were you today?" The blonde woman asked, not bothered by the captain's nudity at all. Then again, I guess she was used to seeing him naked by now after the history they shared.

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