If i relapse

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"What's the plan" Sofia said.

"Well, I was thinking of just get the whole troop together and then havin others who want to fight. We can just train, work out, shoot, and get a game plan going" my love said.

"I think we can get the east side boys to come and help" I said.

"That sounds wonderful baby" eve said and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes and blushed.

"PDA" Sofia yelled eve punched her shoulder, hard.

"I can try to get some of my aunts troop to come over and get back in shape, they are quite the sharp shooters" Sofia said after glaring at eve I glared right back.

"Sounds good I can ask for some of my brothers gang to come, they sure wouldn't like to teach some new recruits how to throw a punch" Eve said.

"Or take one" I said then giggled.

"That was naughty love, I think you may need to be punished" Eve whispered in my ear only for me to hear smirking, my eyes went wide.

"Shizzles" I muttered.

"Eve what nasty thing did u say now" sofia asked.

"Something... it's not your fucking business anyway" Eve retorted.

"Whatever. I gotta make a call real quick okay I'm gonna go out to the alley and come out" Sofia said and walked out.


I walked out of the club and got in my car, my phone in one hand and gun in the other. I dialed Zachs phone number.

"Hey boo" I said once he picked up.

"Heyyyyyyyy" he slurred, dammit he's drunk.

"Baby why are you drinking, are you all right" I asked.

"Who is he" he asked anger in his words.

"Who's who" I asked confused, what the fuck is he talking about.

"The other guy that is fucking you right now, the guy you're cheating on me with. I knew I would never be enough for you, dammit. I'm so stupid I thought you fucking loved me, but I guess that was another lie... Couldn't you have done it any other way than this. you have no clue how much I already hate this life, I don't even feel enough for myself. but now I'm not enough for you too... bye sofia I'm sorry... just. just bye. forever" he said with pain and anger. I didn't understand, a sob escaped his lips and then the line went dead.

I wiped the tears that I hadn't realized had fallen. I got out my car and went back in the club.


"Hey," Sofia said, her cheeks were tearstained and her voice was shallow.

"What happened" Luna asked.

"Nothing I'm fine" sofia answered sharply. "I have to go and get ready for stuff tomorrow." sofia said and walked off.
Why, why would zach think this.. I sped home, forget the law I'm broken. I couldn't give a fuck about anything anymore.. I ran upstairs and flashed a fake smile to my mom and locked myself in my room. I turned on my radio so my sobs couldn't be heard.

I shouldn't of left, I should have just stayed. It's all my fault.. it's all my fucking fault. I cried until no more tears were shed. I checked the clock, midnight. great I've been crying for one fucking hour. I felt so empty, and useless.

"I hate you" I screamed. I went the bathroom and opened the drawer, an
grin replaced my pained face. I saw a familiar silver box. I pulled a blade from the very many I had collected over time. I sliced twenty times on my wrist deeply and another twenty on my thigh
. I dropped the blade and watched the blood drip to the ground.

Then my eyes widened, this... this couldn't be a relapse...... could it.

Hey guys sorry if it was a trigger I just felt like writing that.. I love you all stay strong.
SofiaX picture of Luna FYI
Read my new book "Drowning in your arms" just go in my works.

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