{15} If I Cry

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Sofia's POV

We all sat in the waiting room while Mike was with the doctors. What in the hell made him do this. He had Codi back........ Wait! She never answered him. Ohhhh.... Codi's gonna hate her self for this.

"Mike Alverez?" some doctor called out. We all walked towards the doctor, "Who has closest relation to him?" the doctor asked.

"We all do," Maria said bitterly.

"Okay, well. He is in a coma, he might wake up soon." The doctor said and Codi broke into tears, I felt so bad for her.

"No!" Codi said in a shallow whisper.

"Please, Doctor. This can't be! All it was, was, a cut! A fuckin-"

"Language Maria," Liam cut in.

"Cut! How is he in coma?" Maria said in anger and confusion, I have never seen her cry.

"Yes, well when he cut. He made a deep insision and it hit an artery, and the lack of blood that was lost made him go to coma." The Doctor said. "I'm so very sorry," the doctor said, "we will contact you when he wakes up." The doctor said then left.

We drove home in silence, the only noise was our sobs. I drove slowly because I couldn't see well through the tears in my eyes.

Once we got home, Codi went strait to my room, which is practically hers, and locked her self in.

(2Hours Later)

"Codi, open up" Izzy said while leaning on the door, Codi was sobbing and saying. "No it's all my fault, It's all my fault."

She always feels like this when something bad happens to someone close to her. Last year, her brother died in a car crash. She was sober and driving him home from a party, because she was his deticated driver. Then she got hit by a car, she just got a broken leg. But he died, he was my brother too, That was a though time for all of the gang.

"Codi, I'm gonna break this door down if you don't open," Maria said, we all know she doesn't kid. But then again Codi is a stubborn girl. BOOM! And the door fell, I have gotta learn how to do that!

"Hey Cods, how you doing boo?" I said sitting on her right side, Izzy sat on her other.

"Codi, it isn't your fault, so quit saying that," Izzy said. She was the nicest in the group.

"Yeah, bitch, Don't you dare say that!" Maria said pinning Codi down.

"How about we go out tommarow and have a girls night out?" I said, Codi and Izzy nodded.

"FUCK YEAH BITCHES!" the obnoxious Maria said.







~ SOFIA179921


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