{13} If I play

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--RYAN'S P.O.V--

"Time for interrogation," the Chief Officer said while dragging me into a sound proof room. It actually looked just like they do in the movies.

"Take a seat," a tall thin woman said. "My name is Cheryl, I will be interrogating you today, you may not lie" let's stop right there, to me that means LIE! "you are under oath," she said. FUCK,this was gonna be harder than I thought.

"Okay," I said while smirking.


(After the interrogation)

"Sup, man" my best friend, Jack, said. He was brunette and lean, he had some tatoos here and there and was 20, yes I am actually a 19 year old at a high school. I sort of am in a gang. I'm the leade, and my best friend is the second in command. We sell drugs, yes we are dealers. I'm sort of proud, yes, it's not the best damn thing to be proud of but hey, I'm filthy rich!

"Ay! Where were you?" my sister, Amber, asked. Yes she is into gang also. She is 23, she is my older sister and has jet black hair, well built and is strong inside and out, she isn't the smartest but she's still my sister.

"Police station dumbass," I retorted.

"Psh, I knew that," she said.

"Hey, come on. Ricky has us a knew person to deal with," John my third in command said while getting out of the car. He was a little buff, but he was strong as a mule, and he had the brain of one.

"Yeah, I've known for two weeks, smartass," I yelled back.

"Geesh, dumb balls," John said while getting back in the car.

"Let's go!" Jack said. He got into his navy blue mustang, with John. Amber got into her white Ferrari, and I got into my red baby, I had a red Lamborghini.



"Hey, Codi are you okay?" Mike asked once we got into the car, we got in izzy's truck.

"No," Codi said. Me and Maria looked at eachother, we knew we were the ones who would have to cheer her up.

"Hey, cods. Want to play I game?" I asked with a grin, I knew she was rebellious. If she played that means she was willing to recover.

"Okay, If I play, what do I get?" She asked with a mischievous grin.


Sofia179921 here, what should Codi get to do?

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