{10} If I find her

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( 6 months later)

Sofia's POV

Its been six months with no sign of Codi. The group is an absolute mess. Especially Mike . He spends most of his time either looking for Codi or he is locked away in his room. He has become even paler and I'm almost positive he has started cutting again and has stopped eating. The only good thing is that all the guys are on the football team, and coach forces Mike to eat.

There's a new kid, he is kinda cute, but I got my eyes for Zach. What's weird is that the new kid knows all our names, before we even told him and sounds just like the guy from the kidnapping. The thing is, I haven't told anyone. I just need to find out more about him, but I don't really want to be his friend. I just have a strong feeling that he was the one who kidnapped my sista/BFF.

" Hey guys do you know any like hackers or anything that go to our school?" I asked when we got to lunch.

" Yeah I know this dude named Ike. He is like the best hacker in the state. Why?" Olivia asked.

" No reason, just asking." I said while shrugging. " Where is he?" I asked standing up.

" Over there." Olivia replied while pointing to a table all the way in the back of the lunch room, there sat a not too shabby thin boy. He had on a blue collared shirt with a red bow tie, he was a little tan, he had brown hair styled upwards, he had a few pimples (not too bad of acne), he had on black large specs, and was reading a science text-book while eating his food. Alone.

" Your name's Ike right?" I asked sitting down.

" Yes, why?" He asked closing his book and looking at me in fear, because I was a bitch. Ya, most people fear me.

" I need you to help me," I replied.

"Uh, sure but lunch is almost over-"

"Here" I said while writing my phone number on his hand. "Call me, and so I can tell you what I need from ya. And also, wear contacts and sit with people, you just might get popular. You are kinda cute," I said while walking towards Zach.

"Hey, babe" Zach said while winking. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't babe me, baby" I said winking back. Leaving him baffled and gobsmacked in the middle of the hallway.


"Mrs.Cummlings may I use the restroom?" I asked, I didn't really need to go but I just wanted to get out of class.

"Yes you may, don't forget to take the hall pass," Mrs.Cummlings said on my way out.

I was walking to my locker and heard moans coming from by the bathroom. Then I saw it, I saw Zach making out with a cheerleader, not Zoe. I felt tears threatening to spill. I started running far and fast. I dropped the hall pass, fuck that.

"SOFIA, WAIT!" Zach called while trying to catch up. I'm shortstop and catcher in softball, I'm fast. Codi was faster. She was catcher and first base men. NO SOFIA DONT THINK ABOUT HER!

"What about me Zachy boo?" the whiny and bitchy cheerleader asked.

"I don't give two shits about you," Zach replied in a cold tone. Then I ran faster and to the football field under the bleachers.

"Sofia, please wait!" Zach yelled, then he grabbed my arm and pulled me around.

"What? You gonna tell me how good that make-out session was cause I don't need to know." I said, then I slapped him on the face.Hard.

I started walking to my camaro, yes I know I have an awesome car. I jumped in the car and sped off, I wasn't planning on going anywhere. I wanted to clear my head from my shitty excuse of a life, I turned on the radio. The song playing was "She Looks So Perfect" By 5SOS, I started sobbing. This was one of Codi's songs. I miss her so much, why do all good people in my life have to go? All bad shit has to happen to me!



"Hello?" I asked, me and Maria have gotten closer over the past few months.

"BITCH! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED? What the fuck did Zach the dumbass do?" Maria asked worriedly.

"I-I s-saw h-him k-ki-kiss-sing a ch-cheerleader," I said starting to sob.

"OMG! I'm so sorry!" Maria said, I wish Codi was here, she wouldn't ever give me pity. Instead, she would beat the shit out of him and then tell me that I am better off without him. In 6th grade I would always say I was ugly and no one would like me for who I am and she would say, "Bitch say that again I will cut you!" I miss her so much!

" I don't need pity, I need Codi. You have no clue how much I fucking miss her. I cry myself to sleep. She was always there for me! She was like the other ducking half of me! I know, I know. She isn't here! She trucking isnt! And that's the worst part, she was all of me, she was my sister. Hell, the was almost everything." I said sobbing.

"Hey, ima meet you at your house in 5, we'll plan a way to see who the bastard is that took her. We will, chica" Maria said then hung up.



"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey, Sofia. It's me Ike, when do you want me to come over?" Ike asked. Shit! I forgot.

"Um, in 5?" I asked. I think it would be good since me and Maria would be trying to crack this.

"Sure!" Ike said, then hung up.

I drove home like a maniac, my mom is almost never home. Ever since my dad died she is a workaholic, she always says she wants me to have everything. But all I want is the impossible, my dad.


"Oh Shit!" I yelled running to the door.

"Woah! Everyone's here, cool" I said sarcasm dripping off my tongue.

"Shut up, you love us!" everyone said in sync, some annoyed and some chirpy.

"Whatever, you better have brought your entry ticket," I said while opening my door a little. By the way, my entry ticket is food. The only way for you to get into my house when you aren't invited is if you bring food. Codi would always bring 6 big jars of nuttella. Three for me and three for her. Damn it I miss her. Who ever took my sister will pay!

"Yup!" everyone except Maria and Ike said, Zach wasn't here. Thank god!

"Welcome," I said opening the door all the way and walking into the gameroom. There was a huge table and multiple chairs around. Yes, we were having a mini meeting.

"Now, let's talk. And once we do that we can plan about what can happen if we find her," I said while sitting down.


A/N: Hope you like it! comment, vote, share!

Pic of Codi

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