{17} If I wake up

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"Guys, Codi looks so damn dead, Mike still hasn't waken up." Maria sighed while walking into school. Codi really did look dead, she had bags under her eyes, messy hair, puffy eyes, and just wore sweat shirts and sweatpants.

" I don't know what to do, " I replied, looking up as I hear the school open.

"Guys! The doctors said he might wake up soon!"Codi laughed while jumping around. She looked happier and she was cleaned up.

"You're clean and your not wearing sweatpants!" Maria laughed.

"Hold up! You knew the whole time!" Codi screamed at her.

"Codi please calm down your attracting attention, " Izzy pleaded. Everyone started laughing. We all knew she didn't like attention. She started blushing.

"Guys! We have to get to class!" I gasped, the bell had already rung. We will be seeing eachother in detention later today.

"Party pooper," Maria mumbled. We all walked off, I had science with Zach, great. Note the sarcasm.

"You will be do- why hello Sofia, what's your reason of being late?" Mrs.Dowell asked, I personally hated her.

"Ahhh, Mrs.Dowell, well there's this thing called ah what's it called? Oh yeah, shit happens dummy," I said while sitting in the back. Weird, Zach wasn't here...


"Hey, sorry bitch I was late, some crazy ass shit happened back there," Zach ran in and sat next to me, and winked. REALLY? He had the nerve to do that?


"Mkay! I'm sorry you're on your monthly by the way!" I said sarcastically, some snickers and 'oohhhhs' were thrown here and there, her face was red and priceless. She tried calming her self down and eventually did.

"Okay, we will have an assignment, with partners!" Mrs.Dowell said. "Okay I will call out partners," She said then started calling out names. "Zach and Sofia!" Mrs.Dowell said, aw hell no! I was still pissed off at him.

"Hey babe," Zach said turning to face me. I rolled my eyes and flipped him off.

"Fuck you," I said, wrong move. I know cause he said this.

"When?" he said, so I played along..

"Tonight, babe" I said winking. His face was priceless! He was like, oh shit!



"Codi?" my teacher, Mrs.Wright asked.

"Yes Mrs.Wright?" I questioned and walked over to her desk. I actually like her as a teacher.

"Here, you have to go to the principals office, don't worry. You're not in trouble." She said and went back to her work smiling lightly. Weird......

I walked to the office quietly with only my shoes treading lightly to make noise. Once I reached my destination I placed my small hand on the door handle and pushed it open to reveal Mr. and Mrs. Alverez. They where both smiling wider. " Hello, dear. Its lovely seeing you again," Mrs.Alverez spoke lightly, her accent lacing into her words. " Hello Mrs.Alverez. May I ask why I am being pulled of class?" I asked softly. " You will see, " Mr.Alverez replied, his grin getting wider.

" Follow us dear. Can you follow us in your car? Oh hello Maria," Mrs. Alverez said. " What's all this about, " Maria's loud voice sliced through the air.

" There is no time to explain we need to go, " Mr.Alverez said walking out of the office. I look at Maria and see her looking at me. " Hurry!" Mrs.Alverez shouted over her shoulder. We both walked out and hoped into my car. I put the keys in the ignition and let the jeep roar to life.

______ After Drive ________________

Why are we at the hospital? I was just here a few hours ago. Deciding against voicing my thoughts I stayed silent and walked behind Mike and Maria's parents. " Michael Alverez, " Mrs.Alverez told the reseptionest. " Room 304, " The lady replied.

I walked behind them quietly while hearing them whisper frantically in front of me. Once we reached the door they opened the door, but blocked the entrance. " Hey sport. I brought someone to see you, " Mr.Alverez spoke calmly. They both moved out of the way and I saw the most amazing thing in the world. " Mikey, " I whisper, my voice cracking in the process. " Hey babe, " He replied with a smile making its way onto his face.


Didn't see that comin did ya. Soliloquy yep I'm gonna go now.Bye!

Live like no one is watching

~ Sof


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