{2} If I stay

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" God! who created school?! It's brain damage!" Isaac bellowed. Issac was Olivia's boyfriend she had a crush on him in 6th grade and then in 7th he asked her out and they have been inseparable ever since.

" Actually Isaac you're brain damage" Codi said covering her ears from Isaac's whining. Mike chuckled and softly removed Codi's hands from her ears and intertwined there fingers together.

" Wait who is this?" Isaac asked pointing at Zach who was walking over to our lunch spot, which was on the bleachers outside by the football field. Huh weird the rest of the gang isn't here.

" Oh, him? That's the hottie who was talking to Sofia the whole time" Codi said winking at me while sipping her coke with the hand that she freed from Mike's grasp.

" Cool, wait you have a boyfreind." said Mike exclaimed.Mike is Codi's boyfreind . He is dirty minded minded, but friggin awesome. " I'm aware." Codi responds while laughing lightly at her boyfreinds pouting face.

" Hi!" Zach said as he sat down next to me. Hi's and hello's were thrown at him.

" pch, Bitch alert, I repeat bitch alert over, pch" Codi while pretending to talk into a walkie talkie. Walking towards us was Zoe the schools bitch, yes and behind her were her minions. They all looked like cake faced chihuahuas.

" Hi Zach, why don't you come sit with the cool kids, instead of these ...things" she said in disgust. I tensed.Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mike wrap an arm around Codi's waist. He and I both knew that if I didn't attack first Codi would.

" Actually I'd rather not, I like the people who are real and not fake. Thank you goodbye." Zach said in a monotone voice.

"Humph! I guess you want him all to yourself! huh? Sofia? Awe poor Mikey has to deal with Codi " the last part she said in a baby voice and Mike pulled Codi closer to him. " I always knew both of you were bitches !" she exvlaimed walking away. And with that I was off. I lunged at her and started slapping the shit out of her, no one calls me or Codi that! Even if they're joking!

" You.... fuckin.... big-headed.... slutty.....bitch....youre the fuckin bitch.... that's why I'm doing this....at least this doesn't hurt cause there's a protective case of crap on your face.......fuck you...." I said between slapping her. Then I felt strong arms pull me back.

" Sofia stop. This is what she wants, she wants to provoke you." Zach said. He was right so I surrendered.

" Fine," I said while frowning.

"You know frowning isn't good for your pretty little face!" He said tapping my nose.

" Whatever, I'm already ugly." I said walking away.

Zach Kummers POV

"Whatever, I'm already ugly" Sofia said. That stopped me. She was gorgeous her rainbow hair and chocolate eyes that glisten in the sun, her curvy body, her voice and sarcasm. That's what I liked about her.

"You aren't ugly, who said that?" I asked. She was beautiful.

"Me." she replied with her back to me.

" You aren't, you know that" I said hugging her from behind.

" Really?" she asked not believing me.

" Yes" I said in a comforting tone.

"Well, Codi and the others are looking at us and I wouldn't want them to think something's up" she said with a smirk.

"But I like this position," I said pouting.

"But Zach!" Sofia whined and did the cutest puppy dog eyes.

" Okay" I said giving up.

We were walking to the bleachers, it felt nice. They weren't all over me. Im rich I will admit that, I have one sibling and a stepmom, I hate my stepmom, she just uses my dad. She used to be an alcoholic but now when my dad is not home she is just abusive, I usually am the one who gets hurt because I step in for my younger sister, she is only 5. I have many scars, that is why I always wear jeans and a long sleeve shirt.

" Hey, Zach. you joining the football team, cause you know you're fit and all that crap." Isaac, I think, asked me.

" I guess, Sofia , should I?" I said smirking at her as she blushed.

"Uh-yeah s-sure" she said trying to hide her blush. She's so cute. Wait! I'm called her cute. I can't like her, the last time I liked someone they broke my heart. That's what made me cut, I cut and I'm not proud but it makes the pain in my heart go away.

"Okay, Isaac, When's tryouts?" I asked.

" I think like at 4:30 tomorrow." he said checking his phone.

"Do you play?" I asked, he wasn't strong but it was worth a shot.

"Yeah, Im the kicker!" he said happily.

"And I'm running back " The other guy said. He was sitting next to Codi holding her hand.

"Cool, bro." I said giving them both a high five. "By the way, the names Mike." the other guy Mike said holding out a hand for me to shake. " Zach" I replied shaking his hand. He withdrew his hand and wrapped it around Codi. Huh guess they where dating.

"So, Sofia. What do you do? Like are you in clubs, sports, hobbies....." I said trying to learn stuff about her.

"She is in a band!" Codi said. Answering for her. " Actually we all are except for Isaac and Oliva" Mike said softely.

"Shit" Sofia cursed under her breath, I raised a brow, " I mean! yeah, I am I play the bass." she said doing an air guitar.

"Cool. Can I join?" I asked, just so I could be closer to her.

" Sorry bro, we have enough band mates but you could be our co-manager I sometimes get stressed out of having to do all the work," Mike said giving a smile. He was Emo, but he was nice.

"Cool, man" I said giving one of those bro-hug things. "umm I have a friend who works at a club, I think I could get a gig" I said, my friend was my cousin. He was nice, and was the assistant-manager.

" Yeah! Our third gig! WHOOO!" exclaimed Sofia. I just smiled, she looked so happy.

"Hey, Sofia I was wondering...do you have a boyfriend?" I asked nervously.

" No why?" she asked smirking.

" Just wondering" I said innocently.

"Okay" she said walking away.

"Wait!" I said running after her, god dammit she was fast.

"What?" she asked annoyed, I felt like I had to be with her at all times, she made me feel wanted. I haven't felt like that since my mom died.

"Let me walk you to class," I said grabbing her stuff and holding it for her. DAMN! She is smart! she is in all honors classes. I knew if I stayed close to her, I would get closer to her. If I stay. This should be interesting.

Hey people its Cocobear here.I am the editor and sort of a co writer.This is our first book so go easy on us. Thank you for the other co-writers who are working on this and thank you to the people who are reading this.

Live the life like no one is watching.
Pic of Codi

- Cocobear

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