{16} If I go out

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"Ladies night! Let's get chocolate wasted!" Maria yelled, coming in the house with groceries. We were low in food, hey sorry we like our damn food.

"Ummm, I am definitely not gettin wasted," Codi said, but she knew in the end she always would.

"Well I sure as hell am," I exclaimed while getting up to help my bitch, Maria.

"Look, we need one sober person here cause if the cops catch us were dead meat," Codi said, I personally think she's the smartest in the group.

"I can call the guys and James for sure won't drink, so then we can get drunk off our asses!" Izzy said, actually now she is one smart bitch!

"But this is a gir-"

"Shut it bitch, you're getting drunk one way or another ducking way," I said, Codi needed to let loose. She has been way uptight for her usual self since Mike went to coma.

"Geesh, so much for a clean mouth," Codi said while putting her hands up in surrender.

"Okay the guys are coming at 5" Izzy said, SHIT! We only got half an hour to get the fuck ready. Okay now I get what Codi was saying...

"Well let's get ready bitches! We are gonna look fuckin fab," Maria yelled us dragging upstairs. Wow, Maria's room is awesome, yes were at her house. I've been living here for a while. My mom hasn't been home for like 5 months now and I can't stand living next door to Zach.

"Okay, you guys take shower-"

"Hey, dude were not lesbos," I said.

"If you let me finish I said in a bikini to save time, geesh I know that bitch." Maria said throwing us a bag full of bathing suits. We all quickly changed and took our shower, Maria has a huge shower that's for sure.

"Okay, Izzy~make up, Sofia~hair, Me~wardrobe," Maria yelled, getting us ready was like mission impossible.


"We look sexiful!" Codi said. Her light-brown hair was in a cute but sexy bun, she had on a sexy black and red dress, and 6-inch killer heels. And had gorgeous make-up.

"Damn right, bitch" Maria said. She was wearing a green fading dress to black, her red and black hair was curled to perfection on the red and straightened sleekly on the black, and beautiful black TOMS. And a cute little wallet filled with money and condoms.

"We are the young top models, bitches," Izzy laughed while doing a fierce. She was wearing a purple, and black dress, she had her brunette hair in beach waves, and combat boots, top it off with a beanie and a clutch.

"We are beautimous," I said. I had on a midnight blue strapless lace dress, my hair was sexily messy, and I had on my black vans, and can't forget my batman hat! Oh and my favorite satchel.

"Bitch, you look ratchet with that batman hat," Maria said, I gasped and clutched my heart.

"BITCH! TAKE THAT BACK! BATMAN IS A FUCKING LEGEND!" I said while tackling her to the ground, then she flipped me off and snuggled off. Damn her petite body.

"Anywhore, let's go," Izzy said.

"Buckle up, and here are your fake I.D's "



"Ay man! Where the girls at?" Liam asked. I have no clue what's with him, he was blabbering about on wether to ask out Maria or not. He was wearing a hoodie, some ripped jeans and vans.

"Shut up and patience man!" Zach yelled back. He was wearing a black button down shirt, dark baggy jeans and some cool converse.

"Both of you, just shut the fuck up!" I said. I was wearing a black jumper, dark jeans and vans. Yes I know I cuss, and the girls aren't here.

Hey, where are you guys?


At the club waiting, the guys and I R @ the bar


Mkay, bye! I c ya!




I swear these women can take forever!

"Hey you dicks were here!" Maria said, I personally thinks she's crazy. But again this is me you're talking about.

"Hey, babe," Liam said, he is going no where by saying that.

"Look, Sofia I'm sorry, plea-" SLAP! Ouch that must have hurt.

"Look Zach, do what ever the hell you want, take some poor girls virginity, look I don't care!" Sofia said then turned around. She came back with a glass of vodka.

"Hi," Izzy said and I put my arm around her waist, this was gonna be a weird night. I knew this would happen, If I go out.







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