{20} If I kiss you

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---/////--- SOFIA'S P.O.V. ---/////---

"I think I love you" Zach said.

"What? ZACH! You only know me for almost a year and you already love me?" I said.

"Look, I don't need you to love me back, I just needed to tell you that"

"I don't know"

"Please! Just give me a chance!" Zach pleaded.


"Sofia," Zach said and got down on one knee "Will you be my mother fucking girl friend?" He said with a ring pop in his hand. I have to admit I think I loved him too. But no way in hell am I going to tell him that.

"Fine" I said, then he stood up and kissed me fiercely.

"Can you sleep with me tonight?" Zach said with puppy dog eyes.

"Down boy, were barely even dating and you want to bang me" I said.

"No! Not in that way- I meant like sleep sleep- no! Arg! Will you sleep as in eyes closed cuddle with me. Not that nasty crap, unless you want to" Zach said with a wink.

"I would rather option número uno"


"Shut it Zachary, we got some girl filled shit to do, and also pig out" Codi said and took me by the arm.

"What the fudging fuck is going on with you and Zach?" She said with a grin.

"He loves me, just asked me out, and I think I love him too," I said covering my blush. "But I'm scared that I'm just gonna be another one of his toys" I said.

"Look bitch, if does that he won't live another day" Codi said, I chuckled.

"Okay, so was up boo?" I said, she usually doesn't text me first.

"I will tell you later,first lets talk about the shit that has gone down since we last had a sleepover?!" she said. She isn't fucking getting away with this.

"Okay, like I a few weeks ago I was about to ask out Zach, and I caught him kissing a cake faced bitch" I said. There was venom lurking in the words.

"Oh, I'm so sorry boo" Codi said.

"But now he loves me!!" I said and hugged her.

"You're ducking killing me" She said and I released her.

"But what's really interesting is Maria and Liam" I said. I didn't even know what they were! All they did was flirt, make out and have sex!

"Let's watch a movie, shall we?" she said. We popped in 'The Notebook' my mascara was all over my face. I love that movie.

"You can sleep in my room, I'm sleeping in Zachs" I said and headed into his room.

"Oooo! Gonna get naughty in there aren't we?" She said and started wiggling her eyebrows.

"No! We're just going to talk and then sleep!"

"I won't be surprised if I her moans and screams and headboards banging." Codi said in a sing-song voice.

"Bullshit" I said and went into Zach's room.

"Do you want to do that?" Zach asked. Shit!

"No, I'm not ready, and Codi is here" I said and got a boxer and t-shirt and went into his bathroom to change. I have to admit, his clothes smell so damn good.

"So, what do you want to do sexy woman?" Zach asked and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"First, don't catch me by surprise. Second, I'm not sexy. Third, lets just cuddle, I've missed you. I really like you Zach." I said. He turned me around and cupped my face in his hands.

"You are the most beautiful woman on earth,"

"Bullshit" I said and looked down.

"You" kiss "are" kiss "sexy" and then Zach butterfly kissed my whole face.

"Thank you" I said then kissed him. He deepened the kiss, he licked me bottom lip. I granted him my entrance, our tongues fought for dominance. As soon as you know it, were in a deep make-out session.

"Hey um- oh! Oh! I'm sorry, but umm I need to ask Sofia a question!" Codi said, I was only in his boxers. I grabbed my(his) shirt and put it on.

"Once sec" I said and pecked Zachs lips. I closed the door behind me.

"If I wouldn't of barged in, you would have already had his dick in you! Oh, and by the way. Nice boobs, real big-"

"Shut up! What the fuck were you going to ask me?" I said, I was already missing him.

"You know what? I will just tell you in the morning" she said and walked into my room.

"Fuck you" I mumbled.

"I rather not!" Codi said.

"Hey, Codi said she would tell me in the morning" I said and got under the covers.

"Okay." Zach said. He hugged me, then I saw something on his wrist.

"Zach, give me your hand" I said, he did. Then I saw,he had new cuts.

"I'm sorry, it's just that everyday that you were without me I felt like it was all my fucking fault" he said.

"Look, just please don't do it anymore" I said, he nodded. I hugged him then kissed him.

"I love you"

"I...love you too" I said.

"So you actually love me?" Zach said in amazement.

"Yes, I do love you dummy" I said and kissed him once more. We stayed up late talking about how we would survive the zombie apoctaclypse and other shit.


"WAKEY WAKEY! EGGS AND BAKEY!!!!!!" Codi yelled while banging a pot and a wooden spoon.

"Fuck!" I yelled.

"Five more minutes" Zach groaned.

"Okay" I said and got out of bed.

"Okay, I need to talk to you" Codi said.

"Tell me!" I said.

"Okay, Mr.Alvarez is making me pay for Mikes treatment, or I have to break up with Mike, so I'm going back into drag racing. Could you please get me some races?" She pleaded. I think I knew one place that pays high, and had a race in three days. But it was in Mississippi, and we live in Florida.

"Yeah, but the thing is" I said.

"What is the fucking deal?" She asked.

"We are going on a road trip," I said.

"And you're saying it like its a bad thing" Codi said happily.






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